Chapter Nine

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By Saturday, Taylor finally felt like she had caught up on her sleep. She hadn't had any impromptu visits from Samuel. She spent the last two days of the school week working on homework that her teachers had dumped on her, something that, oddly, she found a modicum of comfort in.

But today, Taylor was ready to tackle an outing with her new friends. She ambled down the staircase, still in her pajamas, to the kitchen where Sandra was working on her laptop. Taylor walked over to the coffeemaker, grabbed a mug, and poured herself some fresh, steaming coffee. Taylor turned back around with her coffee cup in hand, and looked at Sandra who was sitting at the kitchen island. Sandra looked up from her laptop.

"Well, look at you, Ladybug! You're all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed."

Taylor laughed.

"Big plans for today?" Sandra asked her.

"I wouldn't call them big, but I'm going to the beach with the group. Try to squeeze out the last little drops of summer that we can."

"I don't blame you. It's a gorgeous day to be on the water."

Taylor walked from behind the counter and sat on a stool next to Sandra. "You have to do something for me, though. Since I know you're probably going to work today."

"Guilty as charged!" Sandra exclaimed. "But what can I do for you, Sweetie?"

"You have to spend tomorrow with me. No work."

"Done!" Sandra confirmed. "Shopping?"

"Yes please! And anything else we can get into. I just feel like I haven't been able to hang out with you lately."

"Don't tell your friends you hang out with your mom. They're not going to think you're very cool."

"Well, they don't know how cool my mom is."

"You're too kind." Sandra beamed.

"I did want to ask you, though, do you think it would be OK if I spent the night with one of my friends?"

"Of course! But I'm going to be a helicopter parent for a minute." Sandra put on her not-so-serious face. "Who is this friend you might be spending the night with?"

"Her name is Adrienne Peters."

"Oh, the Peterses! Great people. Quirky, but solid folks. I've known Jana and David for years. I have no problem with you being over there. But you have to text me when you get there, OK?"

"I will. Thank you!" Taylor kissed Sandra on the cheek and grabbed her coffee mug to go back upstairs to get ready.

Taylor put on a bright blue two-piece swimsuit and dressed in a dark blue tank top and khaki shorts over the suit. She put on her trusty black Chucks to complete her outfit. Taylor fixed her hair into French braid pig tails—the perfect beach hairdo.

Taylor's phone began to vibrate and ring. She saw Adrienne's face fill the screen. She was calling Taylor. Taylor answered the phone.


"Good morning!"

"Good morning to you! What's up?"

"I'm on my way to your house with douche bags Grant and Rhiannon. Are you ready for us?" Taylor heard Grant and Rhiannon start yelling obscenities in the background. Adrienne laughed.

"Yes ma'am. Just gotta pack my bag real quick."

"Get on it, girl. I'll see you in a minute or two."

"OK, see you then." Taylor ended the phone call and grabbed a bag. She quickly stuffed some clothes and pajamas inside for her night away from home.

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