Chapter Seventeen

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It was the middle of October, and the leaves on the trees were starting to turn an array of beautiful colors in Aurora as the seasons changed. Taylor stepped outside of the school doors with her group of friends. They were laughing and jubilant. It was Friday, and they were preparing to go out to eat and spend time in the city together.

Taylor had been continuing her lessons with Sarai. She had been visiting at least once a week and was focusing on harnessing her powers and using them to perform various tasks. She hadn't been able to have a go at the beast in the box again, but she was hoping she would be working up to that soon.

Taylor was relieved that it hadn't completely enveloped her, though she was still waiting with bated breath in fear that it would, out of nowhere, devour her. Until then, she was spending every moment she could with Sandra, her friends, and Adrienne. Her relationship with Adrienne was fantastic, strong, and growing with each passing day.

"Want me to ride with you this time, Sweet Cheeks?" Adrienne asked her.

"So, basically, you just want to ride with me because my car doesn't burn as much gas as yours, right?" Taylor asked, teasing her.

"You've got me all figured out, don't you?" Adrienne asked.

Taylor smirked at her. "Of course I do, and of course you can ride with me." Taylor leaned in for a quick peck.

"Get a room!" Grant heckled playfully.

"You're just jealous you're not part of the only couple that makes everyone puke anymore," Adrienne shot back at him. "You and Rhiannon want to ride with us, too?"

"Yes, keep all of the cooties in one car, please!" Kelsey said to them.

Adrienne lightly punched Kelsey in the shoulder, gave her a look, tilted her head towards Matthew who had his back to them in his own world, and looked back at Kelsey. "Mmhmmm."

"Shut up, man!" Kelsey casually shoved Adrienne back.

"Ow! I didn't even really say anything," Adrienne said laughing. "I think you put a little more power into that one than usual. I'm proud of you."

Kelsey glared at her, a thinly veiled smile.

"Where do you guys want to eat first?" Lizzie asked them, pulling out her phone to open up her GPS app. Lizzie was always like the composed mother of the group who ignored all of their banter and bad behavior.

"Burgers! A big, fat, juicy burger!" Matthew exclaimed.

"Dude, you got way too excited..." Kelsey jabbed at him.

"Can we pick somewhere that doesn't always require us to eat like cave men? Maybe some Italian food? You know, something that requires a fork?" Beth spoke up with her mousey voice.

"You eat pizza with your hands, Beth!" Matthew responded.

"Pasta, Matthew! You're so dense," Beth fired back.

"Breadsticks, Beth!" Matthew managed.

Beth scoffed at him.

Adrienne was clearly amused by the exchange. "I love seeing them duke things out. It's incredibly entertaining."

"Italian sounds good. Both the modest and savage parts of us can be happy," Lizzie said smiling and typing something into her phone. "So, we can all meet down at the west end of the city at The Olive Pit. I will send you guys the address," she said pointing at Taylor. "Beth, Kelsey, and Matthew, you can ride with me." Lizzie started walking in the direction of the parking lot, with her group falling in behind her.

Taylor started off toward the parking lot as well with her respective group.

"Your car is so nice, Taylor," Rhiannon said as they neared her car. Sandra hadn't been very conservative when picking out a car for Taylor. Taylor was settled on a beater, something that got her from point A to point B. She would have been grateful for anything. But Sandra had insisted.

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