~Part 3~

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Namjoon noticed that when he hugged her she didn't pushed him... He felt a relief and smiled unknowingly....

~ Time Skip ~

Like this the time went by their parents were talking while Yn and Namjoon were secretly taking glances on each other.... Now Namjoon and his mom, dad were leaving....

Mr.Park: Bye Mr.Kim!

Mr.Kim: Bye

Mrs.Park: Good Night

Mrs.Kim: Good Night

Namjoon was waiting when Yn will say something but she didn't.... At last he was about to go when...

Yn: Bye Namjoon... Good Night

Namjoon: *smile* Bye Love, Good Night!

Yn: *blush* Bye

Namjoon came towards Yn... He looked beside if someone was there or not... As no one was there he felt relief.... He looked into her eyes.... 

Yn: Wh-what happen?  Won't  you g-go?

Namjoon: Yeah... But I forgot something... *smirk*

Yn: W-what?

He leaned down at Yn's  level and kissed her cheek... She was stunned by his action... Namjoon waved goodbye and left making Yn dumbfounded....

~ Yn Pov ~

I looked at him still his presence was not visible to me.... I was still standing there still processing what just happened when mom called me inside... I went inside and hear mom and dad were talking about how Namjoon is this and that... I  told them that I was going to my room as they nodded.... I went to my room and fell on the bed still the thoughts were roaming inside my mind... What happened few minutes ago? Not gonna lie he was just a gentleman.... He compliment me, asked if I was ok with this marriage or not... He promised he will fix my heart but will he? But the last moment before going he just kissed me on my cheek!? And what that smirk was for... I touched where he kissed and smiled like an idiot.... What happened to me.... What is this feeling.... For some time I just forgot that I was crying this whole weeks for that person... and now? For one person I am now smiling like I used to.... What did you did to me Namjoon? After some time I changed my clothes and went to sleep...

~ Next Morning ~

Yn woke up as she hear her alarm ringing....  She did her morning routine change into her normal clothes and went downstairs... Yawning she went but she wasn't accepting that.... Namjoon and Jin sitting at the table talking with her family.... Namjoon spotted Yn and smile....

 Namjoon spotted Yn and smile

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Namjoon: Hey Yn.... Good Morning... *smile*

Yn: Good Morning... *smile*

Jin: Good Morning sleepyhead... I am Jin, Kim Seokjin... Namjoon's brother

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