~ Part 11 ~

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~ Yn Pov ~


I moved back from my place in shock and fear.... My feet hit on a table and their was noise.... I looked at him, who was looking from where the sound came....

Shit! No no no he had hear it! 

I quickly but without making any noise started walking away from there but he was soon enough to find from where the sound came...... He looked straight at me..... And I swear I got shivers from the way he looked at me...... I started running quickly but as I was running I feel one hand pulling me back, As I looked it was none other than him......

~ Author Pov ~

Taehyung pulled Yn and looked at her eyes...... 

Taehyung: Miss me babygirl?

Taehyung: Miss me babygirl?

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Yn: Aahhh leave me!

Taehyung: Awww... You changed...

Yn: Don't  dare to touch me!

He grabbed her by her chin and looked into her eyes.... 

Taehyung: I am not your slave, that you are ordering me.... *smirk* Guess you need some discipline....

Yn: Ahhh! It's  hu-hurting! Le-leave me...

Taehyung: Spending your life very nicely with your husband huh?

Taehyung: Spending your life very nicely with your husband huh?

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Yn looked at him with pleading eyes..... She looked back and got all the confident and then kicked him on his stomach and started running as fast as she can....

Taehyung: Ahhhh you bi*ch!

She ran and came to their shared bedroom as fast as she can and closed it from inside..... She came and sat beside the bed.... She started sobbing as the fear started to capture her heart..... Their was silence for a while..... After few seconds she stand up and wiped her tears.....

Yn: Phone.... phone.... phone! Where is it..... 

She started finding her phone and luckily it was in her pocket.... She dialled  Namjoon's  number, but there was no answer.... 

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