~ Part 7 ~

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~ Yn Pov ~

I was over the moon hearing about our marriage.... Yeah! It's  gonna be this Monday so we are having still 5 days left.... Ahhhh God please make this 5 days end fast... I can't wait anymore.... I was laying on the bed thinking about this.... When I got a call from an unknown number... Huh? Who's  this now?

Yn: Hello?

???: Hi babygirl..... Miss me?

Yn: Who's  this?

???: You will know soon dear....

Yn: W-who  are you?

???: *laughs* Don't  worry about me baby.... Worry about your husband....

As soon as I heard the word husband... I knew something is gonna be soo wrong... 


???: Baby you have changed you know... You forgot my love.... Oops.... So sorry I just forgot I forgot your love.... But anyways... I am cutting the call and in a few seconds you gonna get a call from an unknow number....  Let's  see if your husband will be alive or not.... *laughs*

In this moment I don't know anything... My mind was all blank.... All I could think was what that person told.... Love? But why? Who's  he? I couldn't understand who it was as he was using a voice changer so I can't hear his real voice... Soon as he told a call came.... I was frightened but eventually picked the call....

Yn: H-hello?

???: Hello, Is this Miss Park Yn?

Yn: Yes, W-who  is this?

???: I am Yoongi... Dr. Min...

Yn: Dr. Min? Yes say...

Yoongi: Actually Yn.... can you please come to xxx Hospital as soon as possible?

Yn: Yes but why dr.?

Yoongi: I- Uh-  Namjoon had a accident..

Yn: WHAT!?

Yoongi: Yes... Come fast...

Yn: ......... Ok

I cutted the call and now I was in the verge of bursting into tears but I controlled my tears... I went out of the house it was now "10:00p.m." already..... as I was going slowly I heard someone calling..

Jimin: What a pervert you are.... Going to meet your husband at night... Huh? *teasing*

I looked at him and his facial expression change....

Jimin: Yn... Are you okay?

Yn: Do you think I am?

Jimin: What happened?

I went running to him and hugged him and told everything as fast as I can....

Jimin: Accident?...... Okay You will give me his number then I will do what I have to..... Now let's  go....

 Now let's  go

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