~ Part 6 ~

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~ Namjoon Pov ~

She looked at me with her emotionless face and I felt guilt inside.... I shouldn't  have shouted at her that much without knowing anything.... I walked inside closing the door behind me.... I looked at her and was about to talk but she cut me off....

Yn: What do you want?

Namjoon: I- uh- Yn actually.... I am sorry.....

She looked at me shocked but I didn't care....

Namjoon: Yn I am really sorry.... I shouldn't have shouted at you without knowing anything.... Please forgive me....

Yn: Why are you telling sorry.... It's  ok.... I don't  care.....

Namjoon: NO! It isn't  ok.... I- I hurted you.... It's my fault... I shouted at you for no reason... I didn't  even hear you.... I really hurted you..... *sobs* I promised you I won't hurt you but I did.... *sobs*

Yn: Hey hey hey! Why are you crying!?

Yn: Hey hey hey! Why are you crying!?

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~ Yn Pov ~

It was the first time someone was saying sorry to me.... The person I loved sometime didn't  even  say sorry to me.... He always shouted at me.... And now the person whom I don't know, I fell for that person and now he is telling sorry to me for a silly reason.... Maybe I acted a bit too much thinking he will left me? Yeah maybe like that.... It was just a misunderstanding.... I should have talk to him before acting like that.... I was seeing him head down saying sorry... I can feel he's  feeling guilt when suddenly I hear sobs.... Wait don't  tell me he is crying! I hurriedly went to him and shake him....

Yn: Why are you crying Joon? Please don't  cry....

Namjoon: No I hurted you *sobs* For me you were crying.... I am sorry Yn.... Please forgive me.... I won't  hurt  you again.... 

Yn: I already forgave you stupid..... Don't  cry

Namjoon: Really?

Yn: Yes *smile*

Namjoon: You know you look cute when you smile....

Yn: *blush* Yahhhh 

Namjoon: You forgave me then right?

Yn: Hmmmm..... But I won't talk to you!

Namjoon: Why? *pout*

Yn: You  didn't  hear me that time....

Namjoon: I am sorry baby....

Yn: You have to do something to make me talk to you.... 

Namjoon: Anything? 

Yn: Hmmm if I am satisfied then only I will talk to you.... hehe...

Namjoon: *evil smirk*

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