~ Part 8 ~

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Namjoon and Jimin both went to home while talking.... After some time they reach home and Mrs.Park was looking at them in an questionable face....

Jimin: What happened mom?

Mrs.Park: You are asking me What happened? What has not happened?

Namjoon and Jimin looked at each other and then they saw Jin and Yn standing there while Jin looking at them and Yn looking down.... They both understand Jin may have told Mrs.Park.... So, Jimin took a deep breathe and.....

Jimin: Mom let me explain....

Mrs.Park: You don't  have to, Jin has told me everything....

Jimin: Everything?

They were now silent

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They were now silent... Both Jimin and Namjoon thought they are gonna get shouted from mom... But except that Mrs.Park went to them and hugged them.... Jimin and Namjoon looked at her and she told...

Mrs.Park: You thought I am gonna shout at you?...... How could I after this much has gone through you all? I was just afraid.... You could have told me at least.... Right? From now on whatever will happen you all are gonna tell me ok?

Jimin/Namjoon: Hmmm

Mrs.Park: And you my soon to be son..... What are you doing huh? See my daughter cares for you... She loves you a lot.... You know right?

Namjoon looked at Yn and saw her blushing, then he looked at Mrs.Park and smiled....

Mrs.Park: Why are you smiling? From now on you are gonna stay here with us.... I have talked to Mr and Mrs Kim... They had said ok... I am not gonna let you alone.... You had gone through many things.... Now go and fresh up then come down..... You haven't  eat right?

Namjoon: No aun-

Mrs.Park glared at Namjoon....

Park glared at Namjoon

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Namjoon: No mom!

Mrs.Park: Hmmmm... Ok go and change then come... And Jin...

Jin: Yes?

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