~ Part 10 ~

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Namjoon: Hello?

???: Hey Hyung, What's  up!  Long time no talk.... Remember me?

Namjoon: You!?

???: Got yah! 

Namjoon: How can I forgot you bunny..... How are you Jungkook?

Jungkook: I am perfect! How's  your married life going?

Namjoon: Fantastic~ 

Jungkook: I understand that by your voice only... *tease* Did you both do something last night? 

Namjoon: Yahhh you brat.

Jungkook: hehe... You know I am coming to meet you tomorrow....

Namjoon: Tomorrow? But I will be in the office.... 

Jungkook: I will come in your office only... Tell me the name..

Namjoon: Kim Enterprise

Jungkook: Ok! I will come tomorrow and will talk to you there..

Namjoon: If you are coming only then I have a work for you.... You come and then I will say about that.....

Jungkook: Work? Cool.... Tomorrow's  gonna be fun I guess...

Namjoon: Hmm Ok I am cutting the call...

Jungkook: Yeah... Bye 

Namjoon: Bye...

*Call ended*

~ Namjoon Pov ~

Yn: Who was that Joon?

Namjoon: He is one of my friend.... A very good Hacker....

Yn: Huh?

Namjoon: Nothing.... Let's  enjoy the movie...

Yn: ok!

~ Next Morning ~

I wake up as Yn was waking me up.... 

Namjoon: What happened? 

Yn: Wake up Joon... 

Namjoon: 2 min.... more

Yn: Joon! You will be late....

Namjoon: 2 min

Yn: Ok.... I was thinking of taking a shower with you... It's  fine  you sleep....

Suddenly he wake up and sat on the bed...

Namjoon: Let's  go..... I wake up see.....

 I wake up see

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