~Part 5~

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~ Next Morning ~

Yn woke up rubbing her eyes as she heard her alarm ringing.. She went to the washroom and did her morning routine... She came back and wore her normal clothes, did her hair and went downstairs for breakfast... As she went down she saw her mom and dad sitting on the table talking about something.... She went there and sat down....

Yn: Mom... 

Mom: Yes?

Yn: Ummm... Namjoon didn't came today?

Mom: Huh? No, why?

Yn: Uhh- No nothing, I just asked.... *shy*

Mom: Hmmm

Yn: Anyway gimme my breakfast... *yawns*

Dad: Yn

Yn: Yes dad?

Dad: As you both are having your marriage next week, So I decided you both should go for shopping someday in this week...

Mom: That would be good.... 

Dad: So, are you okay with it? 

Yn: YES! Let's  go today only...

Mom: You don't have any problem right?

Yn: Nope! I will call and tell him then...

Dad: Ok...

~ Yn Pov ~
After sometime I finished my breakfast and went upstairs.... Took my phone and call Namjoon... How I got his number? I asked Jin Oppa to give me his number and he did... Ahh such a sweet Oppa I have.... Anyways... I called him and within seconds he received my call... Yay!


Namjoon: Hello Yn...

Yn: Hello Good Morning....

Namjoon: Good Morning....

Yn: Are you free today?

Namjoon: I am always free for my love...

Yn: Yahhh *blush* Joon stop it... Tell nah you are free or not....

Namjoon: I am.... why?

Yn: Actually.... Do you know first of all when our marriage is?

Namjoon: Obviously... How can I forgot that important thing...

Yn: Hehe.. So, Dad was telling to go both of us for shopping.... Will you go today?

Namjoon: Sure! Why not? Just tell me the time....

Yn: Ummm now it's  already 9 o'clock so.... Let's  go there at 10?

Namjoon: OK! I will come to pick you.... Be ready...

Yn: Ok! 

Namjoon: Bye then...

Yn: Bye!

Namjoon: I love you!


I didn't  get time to respond as he cut the call as soon as he told me that.... Yahh why is he cho cute?  I looked at the phone and it showed "9:10a.m." I quickly get off the bed and went down to tell my mom about when we are going for shopping.... After telling them I came to my room and went to the washroom... Few moments later I came back and went to the closet..... Hmmm what to wear now.... It's  not a date and we are going public... So, it would be better to wear normal clothes... I search for a perfect drees and there we go... I got one!

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