Ch 3.

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"What do you mean moving?" Haechan asked in a small voice with puffy eyes and a red nose.

They were back at the house now and Haechan was sitting on the couch surrounded by everyone speaking to him.

"There's a cure for your disease but that will require us to move to a certain town for your treatment."

"What disease do I have?"

"It's a brain illness."

Haechan gasped. "It's that serious?!?"

"Yes. And we believe the transition of nerves in your brain triggers your body to shut down and act that way. The best way a professional suggest to fix it is to change scenery and try to regain some past memories to calm your brain or it will negatively impact your special ability (tbh idk wtf I'm saying but it doesn't matter bc Ten is making up bs, lol). So that is why we are moving back to the town that we use to live in."

"Used to live in? I thought Yangyang told me that we've always lived here."

"No! We lived there for a short period of time. That's why I don't remember well!" Yangyang cut in.

"Oh.." Haechan was utterly shocked. He turned his head to Yangyang and asked, "So are you okay with this? Moving?"

Yangyang looked around and saw that Winwin's was death glaring at him to say the right answer. "Yeah Haechan why not, it's going to be fun. I know you've been wanting to regain memories of the past so maybe this is your chance! You might see something there that might strike something in your brain that wouldn't have happened here."

Haechan looked down at his hands and fiddled with his fingers. "It's not like there's anything left here for me so.... I guess I'll do it." Haechan looked up at his Clan members that surrounded him. They were all smiling at him but he could see a small twinge of sadness behind that smile.

Once Haechan left to his room to pack up for the move, Yangyang whispered aggressively to Ten. "I hate lying to him!"

"Well we're doing it for his own good. I don't want this to happen either but it's inevitable."

Haechan had just gotten off the plane and was already a few hours into the car ride to get to the faraway town. It was nighttime as he looked out the car window with lots of thoughts running through his mind. He was thinking about how he abruptly left without telling anyone, not like they cared, but it was so quick. He hadn't even gotten to talk to Axel after the incident.

Loud chewing was interrupting his thoughts and so haechan looked over to his right. Yangyang was sitting beside him and munching on some snacks. Haechan turned up the volume on his music to drown out the sound. He even focused on the lyrics of the song he was listening to so that his mind wouldn't drift. Thinking about his ex would make him emotional and that was the last thing he wanted to happen.

Haechan placed his head on his arms that were leaning beside the window. He stared out into the thick forest of trees they were driving past. The greenery was beautiful but through the gaps in the tree trunks it was dark and chilling. The forest was a mysterious place to him, he never went into them for long. He only went through them to get his dinner, and Ten didn't like him staying out. Lucas and Ten would go out to find wandering humans to suck the blood out of but Haechan didn't like doing that. He preferred setting traps for mice and other creatures. Then draining out and using their blood instead, he felt more humane in doing that.

Haechan was wondering to himself if the woods in this area would be nicer than the ones back at his old home. That's when he saw something swift moving through the gaps between the trees. It caught his full attention as he focused in closer. The shadow was moving as fast as the car he was in. He straightened his posture and his eye fixated on the animal.

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