Ch 5.

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Knock knock knock

"Coming!!" Sicheng called from the kitchen. He walked towards the door, then opened it.

"Missed me?" Yuta asked at the door with a big grin at the door, baring his teeth.

Sicheng scoffed and swung the door closed but Yuta stuck his foot out against the frame just in time to keep it from fully shutting.

"You're looking really pretty this afternoon." Yuta pried open the door and let himself in. He leaned his head forward so that his face was inches away from Sicheng's "I would love to compliment more but YOU have some explaining to do."

"What explaining? I have nothing to say to you." Sicheng stuck his face up in the air.

"Remember that time some years ago when my naive self got caught up in your trap?" Yuta said with one eyebrow raised. As Yuta took a step forward Sicheng took a step back. "That day, you dropped the neo stone on purpose so that I would take it to my pack. That was a set up to lure us to you so that you could snatch our Haechanie away." Yuta steadily walked closer to him with his canines growing out of his mouth menacingly.

"You took the bait and it worked. Now it's over and Haechan is with us. So what do you want from me?" Sicheng looked into his eyes firmly. There was no where to escape now, Yuta had cornered him to a wall.

"I want an apology " Yuta's face was inches from Sicheng. "For for all the damage you've done and by hurting Johnny, Taeyong, Jaehyun, Jungwoo, Doyoung," Yuta was listening the Midnight pack members, "me, and mostly Mark."

"Why should I? All we did was return the favor. The werewolf's hurt the Sun clan first."

A picture frame above Sicheng's head caught Yuta's attention with what seemed to be the members of the vampire clan. Haechan was included, standing out at the very front because he was shorter and posing with two peace signs on the beach. He was smiling brightly, as bright as the sun that shown down on them in the photo. Another boy had his arms slung playfully around Haechan's neck, and a few other guys used their hands to frame Haechan's face, making him stand out. Haechan looked extremely happy. It reminded Yuta of the older picture frames back at the pack mansion. Haechan was having fun in those photos too, but seeing him enjoying himself with a new family stung a part of Yuta's heart.

"BULLSHIT" Yuta roared. " We were the ones who watched him grow. You barely had any attachment towards him before then."

"Because we were never able to. Hansol Night stripped that right from us." Sicheng said calmly.

"And so do you love him..?" Yuta somehow felt betrayed.

"We always have. As a toddler, even when he was away from us, and now our love for him has only gotten stronger in being with him. The only reason we came back here is so that he doesn't weaken and ruin himself."

"You realized that means he'll begin to intergrate his life back in with us right?"

"I KNOW!" Sicheng exclaimed as if the thought had been eating away at his brain for ages. "I know but the slower we take it the better. He is already mentally struggling by himself. We can't just throw everything on him now, he'll expload." Sicheng bit his bottom lip unsure.

Yuta noticed Sicheng was getting anxious and he cupped the sides of his neck. He then tapped his forehead against the younger's. "We'll try to take it slowly so it doesn't overwhelm him. It's going to be fine. " Yuta breathed.

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