Ch 16.

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Hi guys! I made fanart for this book
Hope u like it ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"

~Haechan opened his eyes at the exact time a yellow light flashed

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Haechan opened his eyes at the exact time a yellow light flashed. Followed after was the loud rumbled of the thunder that he swore shook his bed. It shocked the boy for a second, waking up in that way, but he realized that it was just raining hard outside. He tossed around in his bed trying the sleep again but the constant lightning that flashed kept him awake. The room was pitch black itself so the light really kept annoying him.

Even though his bed was warm and comfortable Haechan got off it to walk across the stone cold floor towards the long windows in the bedroom. He pulled down the large black drapes that he was about to close shut when he noticed quick movements outside. He froze for a second and narrowed his eyes down on the figure that was moving beyond the garden area below. The rain on the window made it blurry to see but he felt chills down his spine as he noticed the shadowy figure heading closer and closer to the mansion's back doors.

Haechan felt a terrified adrenaline rush as he ran downstairs and towards the kitchen. He went glass doors that he was sure the shadow was heading to but no one was there. He even peered through the glass to see if the shadow was in any other surrounding area but there was nothing.

"YES" a voice seethed. The voice itself was scratchy and almost indistinguishable.

Haechan whipped his head around in all directions to search for what had said that. But it was eery because it felt like the talking was right up by his ear, it felt that close. He felt his heart quicken and it was beating so loud and rapidly that he could practically hear his own heartbeat.

"Who is it!! Where are you?!?" He shouted.

"Haechan?" Jungwoo asked as he came out from the hallway rubbing his eyes. "What are you doing out here?" He yawned.

"Jungwoo! There was someone out here was speaking and I saw something moving outside!!" Haechan said quickly.

"Really?" Jungwoo looked around the area, flipped the couch cushions and even slide the doors to peek outside. "I don't see anything, are you sure you didn't mishear? And we did leave a black umbrella out there so it's just rolling around in the wind. That's probably what you saw moving."

"Now that I think about it I don't know. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, I'm sorry I woke you up."

"It's okay haechanie. Good night babyy." Jungwoo gave an air kiss and walked back into his room, shutting the door.

Haechan decided to turn around and go back to the bedroom. He was rethinking and maybe it really was just an umbrella. He felt so stupid. He yawned, having his eyelid half open as he walked towards where the grand staircase was. He saw in that moment, a lightning flashed again. By the front door window with a crackle shone a large skull staring into the mansion. Haechan's eyes widen to make sure what he seen was correct but with another flash the skull was gone. The next second Haechan sprinted upstairs and it didn't matter if what he saw was real or his imagination but what he did know was that he was scared shitless. His heart was beating rapidly and his breathing was heavy as he ran down the hallway and instead of going into his own room he runs into Mark's. After entering, he shuts the door and jumps onto the latter's bed.

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