Ch 19.

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"He's not here. I can't see him anywhere." Chenle went on his tippy toes scoping out the crowd of people leaving after each theatre.

"Come on, it's getting late. We can't find him in any theatre so let's just leave."

Chenle sighed in disappointment. "I really wanted to talk to him again. He left us so abruptly. There was literally a spot missing in the Dream dance club cause of him!"

"Calm down Lele it's fine. Maybe it wasn't meant to be— running into him again." Jisung went behind Chenle and messages his shoulders while also leading him forward.

"Haa, maybe you're right. But hold on and let me go to the bathroom". Chenle paused in front of the sign. Jisung let his shoulders go and stood outside the area, waiting for him in the hall.

"WHY did you even THINK to take him out of the house!?!" Someone shouted and Jisung took a few steps forward to then peek the corner to see what was all the raucous. A guy with his back turned towards him was pacing around in front of some other people. His body language showed that he was really frustrated. "He isn't your fucking friend Yuta! You can't just drag him around wherever you want!!"

"I didn't! I already told you, that kid suggested this!!"

"and what did you go and do, YOU LOSE HIM?!? What a fucking joke!" He then grabs the the collar of the other guy and shoves him against the wall "Might I remind you who he is to me? That kid is my mate, my everything." He snarls "I LOST HIM ONCE, I DIDNT PLAN TO AGAIN!" His voice rose.

"MARK LET HIM GO!" another guy yelled as he tried getting in between the two.

"MARK?!?" Jisung shouts and all three of them whip their heads around to him. Jisung then approaches the older, looking astonished "Dude I haven't seen you in agess!"

Mark furrows his brows looking confused. "Who are you?" He practically growls, still wary of him.

"You don't remember?? I was on your baseball team in high school! I'm Haechan's friend."

"Haechan's friend?" Yuta repeated, questioning it.

"MARK?!?" Someone exclaimed again. This time it was a someone else who had showed up beside Jisung just now.

Now this was a face Mark remembered. It was Haechan's hyper and clingy friend Chenle.

"If you're here then where's Haechan?!?" Chenle turned his head in all directions in search of him.

"That's what we're trying to figure out. He's missing." Mark explains.

"Oh my god!! THATS HORRIBLE !! Do you think something really bad happened to him because I found this in the bathroom!!" Chenle lifted the crack phone in his hand to show them. "The screensaver is telling me it could've been his."

The phone turned on to show a Lock Screen wallpaper of a blurry close up of what looks to be two people making kissy faces and holding up peace signs.

"That's a photo of Haechan and Yangyang!" Winwin gasped and covered his hand over his mouth.

"I found it in the bathroom." Chenle said, feeling a lump in his throat and dread start to spread as he recalled how he found the phone. "It's was all the way in the corner and the edge of the screen was found chipped and had fallen right next to it.

"Which bathroom?" Mark asked immediately, his face stern. He knew once he got a whiff of the area Haechan was at, he'd most likely be able to trace it more.

"DAMN IT! I SMELL ROGUES." Mark slammed his fist into the side of the bathroom wall and it left a dent.

"They took him. We have to get Johnny back immediately and Doyoung to help us!"

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