Ch 11.

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On the outskirts of the woods was a dimly lit hut full of rejected werewolves called "rogues". They were crowded in there, discussing their next course of action in the middle of the night.

"They had a hybrid in there." They wolf fiddled with his hands in excitement "they had a hybrid in there!" He repeated to the group and snickered at the end like a gremlin.

"Calm down Malice. We all know what was in there. There's no way you can't sense such power."

"What is the Midnight Pack doing storing a Hybrid in their quarters?" One rogue lifted an eyebrow.

"You all smelt that wretched scent too right? ..The stench of vampires. They're conspiring with the enemy."

"Should we tell the Alpha about this then?"

Charlie threw a knife at Malice, nearly missing his head. "You dumb fuck! We're not a part of the pack anymore."

"But if we tell him about the Hybrid he might let us back in the pack!" Malice yanked out the knife from the wall and threw it back at Charlie.

"He won't believe us." Another rogue said. " We must bring him back evidence."


Malice smirks. "We can just follow our original target-" He licks his lips, slapping saliva all around his mouth "Mark will lead us straight to that little bitch."

Haechan opened his eyes to the crack of dawn and saw the ceiling. He turned over to the side and saw that he was in his bedroom, well rested, alone in his bed. He got up, feet plopping on the hard wood floors as he walked to the bathroom. Grabbing his toothbrush from the cup, he spread some toothpaste and ran it under cold water. Once he finished brushing Haechan walked out of the bathroom while scratching his stomach, lost in thought.

Had everything that happened so far been a dream? Going to the Mansion, meeting Mark, the dinner? All of it?? It was so surreal.

Haechan walked down the stairs and accidentally took a misstep and tripped. He fell forward and now was free falling when PLUNK!

He was on the floor, head first, and facing up at the ceiling. But the ceiling now had fancy patterns etched on it. Haechan used his elbows to push off the floor and lift his head far up enough to see what had happened. He quickly realized that falling from the stairs was just a dream and instead he had fallen from a bed in real life. He stood up and realized that all the crazy things that happened had in fact happened, because Mark was sleeping right there in front of him.

Haechan looked down onto Mark, who had his hands spread opened out on the area of the bed with an indent. That was the area Haechan most likely rolled out from.

The boy immediately crossed his arms shielding his chest. "No way. He didn't violate me did he?!?" Haechan felt around his body and turned in all directions to check his back and legs to see if Mark had possibly touched him. There was no visible sign of assault but that doesn't mean that nothing happened. Haechan quickly dashed to the door and opened it. He made sure to quietly close it behind him as to not wake up Mark as he stepped into the hallway. He looked both to the left and to the right. On the right was a straight route to an open area leading to the main staircase and other rooms. However the left had a visible door to a bathroom. The entire time Haechan was holding in his urge to pee and he couldn't hold in another second. "I'll just go quickly." Haechan murmured in shame of himself as he headed for the bathroom.

After he finished his business he walked out determined to keep heading down the hall to get to the staircase when he instinctively stopped in front of another door. It was the only other door down this long hallway. "Could it be someone else's bedroom?" He thought. There was a nice but faint smell coming from the room. It smelled like honey, very sweet. He got closer and pressed his hand against the door, then his ears. He tried to, but couldn't hear anything. Was the room empty? Wait. Why was he so curious anyway?

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