Ch 8.

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"Sorry, not trying to be rude but, who are you?"

Jungwoo gasped in shock and quickly wiped his tears with his hands. "U-uh I'm-"

"Hyung, remember what the deal was? You have to take it slowly. He doesn't remember anything about us." Mark reminds him through the pack bond.

"I'm Mark's older brother! Mark use to bring you back to the house quite often so that's how I knew you." Jungwoo smiled.

"Really?? I used to go over to Mark's house?" The younger eyed Mark suspiciously.

"Yeah! sometimes you would even sleep in the same bed- mmpf-" Mark cupped a hand over Jungwoo's mouth to prevent him from speaking anymore.

But it was too late because Haechan was already standing there with a gaping mouth, absolutely bewildered. "I use to sleep next to him?!?" Haechan pointed to Mark.

"No! We would stay up playing games and would eventually pass out tired on my bed!" Mark tried to clear up."What did I just say?!?" Mark scolded Jungwoo through the bond.

What Mark said wasn't untrue. They would tend to fall asleep like that when they were younger, when Haechan still had his memories.

Haechan furrowed his brows and murmured to himself. "..I guess we were a lot closer than I thought."

It was difficult to process for him since Haechan liked guys romantically.  He couldn't imagine being so friendly with another guy enough to fall asleep next to them. Could it be that the Haechan before he lost his memory was heterosexual?? The thought sent shivers down his spine. He had to go and find Yangyang and ask him but without Mark being there because it would be awkward.

"Waahhh mamaaa!!"  The little girl ran to Taeyong crying and grabbed onto his pants.

Taeyong went to pick up his daughter and hold her to his hips. He wiped her tears with his hand "Why are you crying my angel?"

"Sowin-" The toddler turned her head and showed Taeyong her messed up hair.

The little boy came running towards them holding up a comb with a fist full of hair in it. "Ririi, I didn't fwinish!" He yelled.

Someone came running after the kid and  scooped him up and put him on their shoulders.  "Comb my hair instead and leave your sister be."

"Jaehyun!" Taeyong exclaimed.

"Daddy!" Kirina shouted excitedly.

Jaehyun was holding onto Sorin's feet, keeping him steady as he headed over to Taeyong. "What are you making?" He asked.

"Just cutting up some fruits for the kids."

"Can I have one?" Jaehyun closed his eyes and opened his mouth, waiting expectantly.

"Here." Taeyong then shoved a giant bunny shaped apple slice in his mouth.

Taeyong then heard a door open from the other  room. "Who is that?" He called out.

"Hyung I should've been the one to reintroduce Haechan to the pack. Mark's doing a really bad job. From the looks of it I bet Haechan doesn't even like him." Jungwoo said as he walked into the kitchen and set down his bag. "Haechan ran away after I told him that they use to fall asleep next to each other."

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