Ch 6.

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"Your hair is lighter. "

"Stop staring at me and pay attention to the professor." Haechan said whilst focusing directly ahead of him. He ignored the person intensely watching him from the side.

Mark was sitting next to him and had his entire body turned towards Haechan. He was dazily gazing at the younger's physical features. From his smooth honey tanned skin to his perfectly long lashes that fluttered nicely everytime he blinked. Then he noticed the moles that decorated his neck that, if connected to the ones on his cheek( that currently weren't visible), would create the Big Dipper constellation. Mark's eyes trailed to the younger's rose red and adorably small mouth . Mark gulped, he was salivating. How he would kill to bite down and suck on those petitly plump, jucy lips. He bit down on his inner bottom lip to stop the urge of engulfing the younger right here and now.

Within due time the professor said to get into pairs for a project. Haechan was hopeful and began scanning around and wondering who in the class he would want to pair up with. He spotted a nerdy lookinging guy with a buzz-cut and big round glasses heading to the back. He was making eye contact towards Haechan while he was walking so Haechan figured that the latter wanted them to become partners. Which he would be fine with because he wanted to get to know more people in class anyways.

The nerdy boy walked up to the desk and opened his mouth to speak when a loud thud at the bottom of the desk interrupts him. Mark was sitting on the outside of the long row he shared with Haechan. The other side of Haechan had a large gap between him and a few other guys. Mark had told them earlier to make space and now he had just slammed his foot against the wood, making a physical barrier between them and the nerdy guy. This left no space to get to where Haechan was.

"Get lost." Mark warned with his voice low. There was aggression behind it, like a demand. He wasn't making any eye contact as he said it either.

The poor boy's voice was shaking as his finger curved up to point at Haechan "b-but h-him, I was-"

"Yeah I'll partner up with you!" Haechan chimed in. He stood up from his seat and gathered his books, ready to leave.

It wasn't that he desperate to partner up with the nerd, but Haechan needed to breathe and the air was thick around Mark.

"-uh I-I was going to ask h-hae-" the nerdy boy tried to finished but was interrupted again.

"Don't even speak to him or I'll grind your bones into dust" Mark gritted his teeth, glaring into his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry!" The boy quickly apologized and turned to dash off someplace else.

"Hey! What the hell, you didn't have to threaten him!!" Haechan exclaimed.

"Why were you so eager to partner up with that guy?" Mark asked instead.

The younger noticed a kinder tone change when Mark switched to talking with him.

"Ugh I wasn't! I just don't have any friends yet so I thought this could be the perfect uh...make some.." Haechan's voice trailed off at the end due to embarrassment.

"But I'm your friend. Why would I let someone beat me to it, when I was going to ask you to partner up with me? I want to work with you."

"Really?" Haechan blushed. He was flattered. "Okay fine, we can be partners. But that doesn't mean you can just slack off on the work okay?"

"I won't."

Mark stayed true to his words. He really didn't slack off. If anything Haechan felt like the latter was doing most of it. Turns out that the guy is really smart and understands all the concepts well, a lot better than Haechan did. Haechan was still really smart compared to the majority but he felt like him and Mark were on completely different levels. But Haechan wasn't much intimidated by Mark's intelligence. He was rather than that, glad because that meant for a tutor when he needed one.

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