8- All just a dream

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Her eyes fluttered open, finding herself laying in a field of flowers

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Her eyes fluttered open, finding herself laying in a field of flowers. Sitting up, grabbing her head in pain, she looked around.

A field of gardenia flowers surrounded her, the clan atmosphere around letting anyone at peace.

"What happened?..." A rhetorical question as she slowly set up. Soft hands touched the flowers as they elegantly moved in the wind, making her smile.

This place was where [Name] and Aiko would sometimes go when you were bored.


Her ears perked at the voice, wanting to believe that it was his voice. It couldn't be true, thus, she swiftly turned around, tears threatening to fall as she saw him standing in the distance waving at her.

[Name] got on her feet, running up to him and engulfing him in a hug that threw both onto the grass. "Nii-chan!"

"Woah, you okay there?" He asked, hugging you back, sitting back up. Her cries still echoing, Aiko rubbing her back in a soothing manner, "Hey, it's okay. I'm here.."

[Name] got herself together an looked at him, grinning brightly. They got up, and went to the little cabin which stood next to the field. Aiko always went to train here and also helped her practice swordsmanship.

"Nee-san, I'm gonna go make some soup!" Aiko exclaimed, leaving into the little kitchen area, "Alright!" [Name] replied.

She settled down and read a book that laid next to the futon. Her brothers head popped up at the corner, "Nee-san, can you go in the garden and get some cucumbers for me?"

"Sure thing!"

She went out, enjoying the sunlight on her skin. Into the garden behind the cabin, she went to pick up some cucumbers before she noticed something in the corner of her eyes.

A sword that was laying at the entrance to the forest behind the field. [Name] went up to it, suddenly feeling someone standing in front of her.

It was herself.

"You need to wake up! This isn't real!! You know it, you must fight!" The other [Name] grabbed her shoulders, "You know he's dead, you can't bring him back!"

[Name] widened her eyes, suddenly finding herself back in the cabin in front of her brother.

I see, that right. This isn't real. I need to wake up.


A little girl looked through the windows, seeing the siblings eating the soup.

'I just need to find the wall to the spiritual core', she thought, looking at the joyful siblings. Guilt built up in her stomach, but it was the only way she could have normal dreams again.

She went further into the forest and finally found the wall. Taking out a knife, she ripped open the area to the unconsciousness.

"So this is the unconsciousness area?.." she examined, seeing how the area portrayed with a sunset in the distance.

The girl went further in seeing the spiritual core, it was completely white. It shone so much innocence. She yelped when she heard a bark, turning around to see a black wolf.

The wolf went up to the core, circling it in a protective manner.

The girl fell to her knees, I can't do it, she thought enjoying the warmth it all radiated.
This isn't right..

The black wolf nudged her, her looking up as she pet it softly through the fur.

But suddenly she was pulled out of the dream back into reality, realizing the rope was cut off.


[Name] knew she had to escape but didn't knew how.

Out of nowhere she lit on fire. Getting pulled back into the real world. She gasped as she sat up, seeing that she wore her demon slayer uniform and a little Nezuko in front of her.

"Nezuko?" She asked, her petting her arm, "Tanjiro?" Said boy looked back in relief, smiling brightly.

"You're awake!"

"What happened?" A confused [Name] asked, standing up now, "We have to kill the demon that's here!"

"But what about the others?" She questioned as the three went out of the wagon.

"I know a way," he replied, "Nezuko, don't come up here! It's dangerous, so just wait! Go wake everyone up!"

Said demon nodded and went back, "I'll go help her!" [Name] said, Tanjiro hesitated at first but nodded regardless.

[Name] and Nezuko went up to the others, "Nez, do you wake them up just like you did with me?"

Nezuko hummed through the muzzle, giving her thumbs up. She set them all on fire with her blood demon art, [Name] just bluntly smiling while she did so.

"GAAAH!!! IM AWAKE!!" Inosuke yelled out, [Name] laughed in relief. "PIG ASSAULT!"

With that he jumped through the roof of the train, leaving [Name] dumbfounded.

Her ears perked up when she heard something behind her, swiftly turning around with slashing her sword at the arm of flesh that was about to grab her.

[Name] saw more of them and smirked, reminding herself of a certain aggressive pillar.

"Come and get me you lame ass piece of shit demon!!"

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