10- Visit

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A week passed since [Name] got the letter and now she was on her way to the Mist Hashira estate.

He's fourteen and has a whole mansion for himself, she thought. Currently she is following her crow as he led the way.

After a while of finally arriving at the gate, seeing the large mansion of her cousin.
To be honest, she is nervous.

Walking up to the door, knocking twice, and hearing light footsteps approaching the door before opening it. There stood the youngest Hashira, long black hair with light turquoise tips, and light blue eyes staring at the older girl in front of her.

"Hey," she dragged it, waving a small wave, "I hope you're not so surprised to see m-"

Before she finished her sentence he tackled her down in a tight hug, surprising her when she heard quiet sobs from below.

"I'm sorry....I'm sorry for forgetting you!" She heard him muffled because he hid his face in her uniform. [Name] hugged him back, relieved that she can see him after all these years.

"I'm here, don't worry," she whispered in a soothing voice, patting his head softly. "It's fine, Mui. I'm not mad or anything."

He sniffled a bit more before regaining his composure, wiping away the tears. "Come on in." He muttered, grabbing her hand and leading her in.

Both of them went inside, it was very cost in here. Just to think that he lives alone here makes [Name] feel upset.

"Uh, Mui?.....I'm sorry." [Name] stated suddenly, making him stop and turn to her with confusion.

"For what?"

"For not being there when you were alone." She replied, feeling really guilty. Muichiro blankly blinked twice, not really knowing what to say.

"It's fine, it wasn't your fault." He muttered, turning to go into the kitchen. "You want some tea?"


≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

Both of them had a lot to catch up on. They talked for hours, watched the birds fly by, looking at cloud formations with Muichiro pointing out the ones he remembered.

He got comfortable with her quickly, acting like his usual past self around her and smiling a bit more. [Name] was glad to see this side of him even though he had a lot of stuff do to despite being a Hashira.

[Name] quickly felt like she was his older sister as they sometimes visited each other. Her first visit was a month ago and now she was on her way to the butterfly estate because she wanted to help out Shinobu. She also got some ohagi with her that she stole from Sanemi.

Sometimes she helps organize or do some other stuff at the mansion like helping out the girls or mixing new poison.

Arriving there she immediately saw the familiar hair of Genya who was sitting on the ground, looking at the pond.

[Name] quietly walked up to him going unnoticed as she sat down beside him. He shrieked, jumping away when he saw her figure, breathing heavily.

His head was bandaged, his eyes holding surprise, hands on his chest as he took deep breath breathes to calm him.

"You fucking scared me!!"

[Name] just chuckled, positioning herself into a more comfortable position, Genya scooting back to sit next to her.

"What happened now?" She asked with a raised brow, a little grin which made him stare in awe.
"It happened when I was out on a mission.."

"Don't you have some healing powers with the 'eating demons' and stuff?" [Name] questioned, leaning further to him, him noticing it.

"Yeah, but it got me before I shot it's head away." He responded, now crossing his legs.
"I just got here some minutes, but what brings you here?"

"Oh, I just wanted to help out a bit. I also brought food!" She took out the ohagi, giving one to Genya. He took a bite, her seeing that he enjoyed it really by feeling the calm state around him.

"This is Nemi's favorite.." he muttered, taking another bite. [Name] smiled, "I know! You won't believe how much he eats it when he's stressed!"

"Must be nice.." he mumbled, [Name] noticing the sadness lingering in his voice. She went to ruffle his hair with a big grin plastered on her face, messing it up completely.

He laughed out, ruffling hers too, making her gasp dramatically, "How dare you!"

"You started!"

[Name] tackled him so the both fell back on the ground, now playfully wrestling each other.
"I'm gonna win!" [Name] declared, loud and proudly.

"Oh, yeah?" He smirked, grabbing her waist.

"Ye- wait what are you-"

Before she finished he already had pushed her away so she fell on her stomach, him pinning her hands down, whispering, "I win."

Heat rushed to her cheeks, him now just realizing at the boldness he had by pinning her down then quickly getting up from her, apologizing multiple times.

[Name] couldn't comprehend what just happened, swiftly sitting up and stared into nothingness.

"I'm terribly sorry! Please forgive me." He mumbled, face red as hell now. He looked up seeing her being really quiet, getting concerned now. "A-Are you okay?"

"Mhmmmm, I'm fine." She spoke out slowly, standing up now, so he followed.

"I'm very sorry again for making you feel uncomfortable by...that."

"Oh, no, no, no, no! It's fine! I liked it- I mean it's fine. Totally fine!" She swiftly said, speed walking away leaving him confused.

"Wait- you liked- WHAT?!"

"I'M SORRY!" He heard [Name] yell, making him look at her as she peeked out of the door before disappearing.

He just stood there, regretting everything he did. But, she said it's fine so he'll just accept it.

Genya furrowed his eyebrows, walking inside since he had to stay at it for some days. He saw [Name] talking with Aoi who prepared some food for the others who were training outside.

[Name] looked over her shoulder, squeaking when she saw Genya standing there with a blank look. She excused herself quickly and rushed away, him running after.

Aoi just shrugged and left.




She turned before jumping up when she bumped into someone.


In front of her stood the Wind Hashira who was searching for her. But just as Genya was about to turn he stopped at his voice,
"[Name] we got training, you fucking moron! Why were you even yelling in the first place!!"

"I- ..........Nothing in particular that you should know." She stated, an innocent smile shown on her face.

"Never smile like that again," Sanemi commented, making her stare at him in disbelief.

So cruel!!

"Fuck you." She replied with a blunt look, an ick mark appearing on his face.

"Wanna say that again you little piece of trash?"

"Fuck you."

Now he was the one chasing her, Genya just listened in disbelief as he watched them run away, wondering how Sanemi didn't notice him.

But he didn't know that he did, he just didn't say anything.

Genya furrowed his brows at how his brother was acting with you.

It made him sad.



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