20- The calm before the storm

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The next day arrived quickly.

[Name] and Genya went to up the hill to where Gyomei will be training them. Genya basically lived up there with him.

In six days they participated in the training, the waterfall slamming onto [Name]'s back, leaving it slightly bruised. She was used to it anyways, it didn't bother to almost freeze in the cold water.

Then the log one was next, she managed to carry the three logs, her legs sore as hell after she dropped them off with Genya's mouth agape.

Her strength was something he loves, her muscled arms and thighs that could crush everything. She's prefect. Perfect in any way he could imagine.

Six days passed and only then [Name] noticed that her dear friends Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke are there too.

She is still on the rock training, struggling to move it. When she saw Genya moving it she was stunned and shrieked at him desperately to tell her how he did it.

"HOW?! TELL ME! I AM FAILING THIS TAAASKK!!" She cried out, clinging to his uniform. He almost wanted to roll his eyes at her behavior, but picked her up and showed her.

"Okay, so..." he explained to her that Gyomei makes a set of pre-determined movements to maximize his concentration. "I usually chant prayers, I don't if that'll help."

"Uhmmm, I'm not really sure if that could help me," she replied, standing in front of the rock.
Genya playfully rolled his eyes, now stranding behind her. He grabbed her hands gently, moving them into position onto the rock, "Good, align your legs with mine."

It was a whisper into her ear that sent shivers down her spine, face heating up at how close he is. She did as he told, him chuckling at her unfocused state, "Pay attention, gorgeous."

That made her melt, the fuzzy feeling in her stomach returning. She nodded firmly, his warmth leaving her, "Okay, maybe try remembering all the grief, anger and painful memories you have, concentrate on that."

She tried, instantly finding one. The one where her loved brother died. Where he was slaughtered by that purely evil demon.
The fear and anger she felt was at its maximum, with a grit of her teeth she took a deep, steady breath, pushing the rock with all her strength. She remembered that moment over and over again.

Genya gasped when she finally moved it leaving a large print in the ground, he smiled when she started walking and pushed it across town.

At the bottom, she was absolutely dehydrated.
But then she felt water getting poured into her mouth, she coughed, seeing Gyomei looming over her, muttering soft prayer. He then picked her up so she could stand right.

"The rock pillar training is completed. You've done well, here and in the village." He said, tears flowing out his eyes as usual. "I'm proud, Aiko-san as well."

He patted her head, [Name] almost crying at this but she held her stance, simply smiling at him.

"Thank you."

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

[Name] was eating with Inosuke, Genya and Tanjiro.

The boys, except Inosuke, talked about Gyomei while she was eating her food, she hadn't eaten in two days.

It escalated a bit when Inosuke made fun of Genya because he couldn't use breaths and they beat each other up with [Name] punching them both.

"Okay, I'm leaving!" She declared, leaving the room to sleep, not bothering to say goodnight.


It was Tanjiro, "wait up! About what happened back at the wind estate-"

"You're not at fault, Tanjiro," her back was turned to him and he had a worried expression,
"I'm the one who's at fault. Not Genya, not you. I was the one who interfered first...Those word slipped out, it was an accident, I let my thoughts win over."

She turned her head only to reveal a kindhearted smile directed at him. "I want to apologize to him, so give him some ohagi for me, will you?"

Tanjiro nodded firmly, bright smile plastered on his face, giving her thumbs up and with that she left.

This weird feeling struck her when she entered the room where she'll be sleeping. She couldn't stay at the wind estate and just slept at Gyomei's place.

It was like as if something big and dangerous is coming.

The calm before storm.

≪ ◦ ❖ ◦ ≫

The next day arrived rather quickly, that weird feeling never leaving.

[Name] got up, changing into the usual uniform and was about to go outside when something was dropped in front of her. It was her crow, a letter now laying on the ground, she picked it up and opened it.

I tried giving Shinazugawa the ohagi, but he just drop kicked me away and asking if it as a joke :(

Giyuu and I are trying to make some more for him tho.

- Tanjiro

She deadpanned with a smile while reading it, putting it on her futon and leaving the room.

Outside she met Genya who was rubbing his head with a yawn, eyes droopy.

"Good morning!" She exclaimed, appearing behind him making him yelp. He then realized it was you and chuckled nervously.

"You scared the fuck out of me!!"

[Name] simply smiled, trotting away to start breakfast. He noticed she was behaving odder than usual. At the table, they ate in silence until he broke it.

"Okay, what's going? You're acting odd, are you feeling well, love?"

That one was new. She stared blankly at him, gulping down her food before responding, "I'm....fine. I guess, it's just...I have this weird feeling."

"What feeling?"

"Like something's going to happen! Something bad and I'm scared!" She suddenly raised her voice in panic, he scooted closer to her, taking her in his arms, wrapping them around her waist.

Genya didn't have an answer for that, he just tried to calm her down. She pursed her lips, "I'm just extremely worried, about everyone. Please promise me something!"

"I'll do everything."

"Please stay by my side if something's going to happen." She said in a stern voice, and Genya knew it was absolutely serious. He held out his pinky finger, "I promise."

[Name] gave him a smile, wrapping her pinky around his, him taking the opportunity to be bold and pull her into a kiss.

His lips were so soft, full of passion everything his lips met hers. His hand caressed her jaw, making her smile and deepening the kiss with a tilt of her head. Both pulled away out of breath, staring at each other with love-struck eyes.

Nothing's ever going to separate them.

Well...that's what had thought at least.

Nothing ever goes how they want.


*depressed dancing* 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻

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