11- It's a date

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Three month have passed by after [Name]'s last visit at the butterfly estate.

She met up with Muichiro sometimes, but he was always busy because of missions and stuff. So was she.

Genya and her still met each other, but the atmosphere around them both always ends up awkward. In these months she has realized her feelings for him, but didn't really want to admit it.

She may or may not really, really like him.

[Name] didn't really know about this kind of stuff when you like someone. She just gets heavy butterflies when she's with or near him.

Genya felt the same, he always felt so flustered around her that it made him go crazy. Even Gyomei saw him acting weird when he was training with him.

He also asked him multiple times but he just changed the topics. Gyomei knew [Name] well and realized that they both had to figure it out for themselves.

Currently Genya was on his way to a market, the sun already setting, him wanting to buy some food for him and Gyomei as the Hashira requested.

Just as he was about to walk by the Mist Hashira's estate he heard a voice call out him.
He turned to look at the person seeing [Name] waving at him with a smile. She just left the mansion of her cousin, them training together was done for the day.

"Genya, where are you going?" [Name] ran up to him, her smile never leaving her face, making Genya nervous again.

"I'm about to buy food. Do you want to come with me?" He sincerely asked her getting a firm nod back. "Yes! Good, then I can buy some food for later!"

Genya softly smiled in appreciation, taking in all her beauty. He noticed how she styled her hair differently today, her eyes sparkling more these last months and how she just looked in general. He saw that she is wearing a black kimono with white flower patterns which really suited her.

When they walked, he started a conversation, "[Name], I've come to realize..you never really told me about you?"

She hummed, "Oh! Right, right." [Name] was a bit hesitant but she trusted him by now, "You wanna know why I wanted to become what I am today?"

Genya nodded to which she started telling him about her brother and how he always trained her, him dying to a powerful demon and such.
He felt really sorry for her, she was always smiling so much despite having such weight on her shoulder.

It was silent when they walked, not an awkward one, a really comfortable atmosphere.
Genya's hand was always accidentally brushing against hers, him always quietly apologizing with her saying she doesn't mind.

When it happened again, Genya was about to say sorry, but [Name] cut him off by taking his hand in hers, intertwining their fingers. Genya's face exploded in red at her move, not being able to stutter out a word while [Name] just calmly continued walking.

But her inside were screaming in happiness, she just didn't show it on the outside even though she wanted to scream right here and now.

"I guess then," she started, looking at their hands,"this is a date."


"A date." She replied, him not wanting to believe his ears. Genya's hands started to sweat, his whole body acting weird, butterflies storming his stomach.

"I-I guess, if y-you want to call it that..." he muttered, looking at his feet. He hated that he always stuttered around her, he just couldn't find the courage to be confident around girls the most time.

[Name] actually found it cute at how he was reacting, acting like she isn't doing the same on the inside.

They finally arrived at the market, seeing that it is full of people crowding the stands.

"Looks like it's a special day," [Name] stated, looking at all the people dressed nicely.
"I'm dressed right for this!"

"Yeah," he said, him standing there in his usual uniform. "Come on."

His voice was so soft it made her flustered, looking away from him to distract herself.
She saw a food stand and immediately went to it, making Genya turn his head in her direction.

He watched as she ordered two bowls of udon, walking back towards him with a big smile.

"You didn't have to!" He retorted, waving his hand. [Name] pouted, sighing, "Just...just take it, dumbass."

He took it and they ate in silence. [Name] slurping down the food, she finished first, leaving Genya amused.

"Ohh, come on! We still need to buy the ingredients!" [Name] realized, taking his hand in hers, yelping as he got pulled away.

Both of them bought what they needed, and now they enjoyed the music that playing nearby.

"Look! They're dancing!" [Name] pointed out, watching all the others gracefully dancing around. Genya glanced at her, eyes sparkling, lips curling into a smile.

He thought of an idea, but wasn't sure if she would accept it. Eventually he held out his hands to her, she looked at it before staring at his eyes, so mesmerizing.

If felt like everyone around disappeared and only the music was playing, [Name] taking his hand gladly. He gave her a generous smile, her now taking in his beauty.

How beautiful his scar is, his soft hair, his eyes that looked into hers as he took her out to dance. The butterflies never leaving their stomachs when they both started dancing, his hands on her waist, hers on his shoulders.
The tingles never left, both of the teens couldn't understand these feelings, they just let it happen.

Genya smiled down at her, their bodies moving in sync to the music. [Name] let out a laugh when he spun her around, catching her as she stopped, chuckling with her.

It was a moment they would remember, this was beautiful despite the thought of having to die when you go on a mission.

The music got quieter, both of them eventually stopped, them out of breath, giggling as they left with everything.

"This was awesome!" [Name] chuckled, staring at Genya's eyes, "I didn't know you could dance so good!"

"Thanks, I...I just do it sometimes," he rubbed his neck, glancing down at her. His cheeks were red, it seemed to never leave. [Name]'s cheeks flushed as well, getting her breathing steady.

"Thank you," she suddenly said, he perked up, tilting his head at her. "Thank you for taking me with you here.."

The moon came out and was already shining, the moonlight hitting in their faces, making them both stare in awe more and more. Genya watched as she looked up at the moon, him copying her.

"We've danced for quite a while," [Name] remarked, her unique smile never leaving her face. Genya nodded, staring at her, the light of the moon revealing all her attractive features.

Stars revealed themself amongst the night sky, [Name] and Genya sitting on the grass near the village, star gazing together.

"The moon's beautiful, isn't it?"

Genya's world stopped entirely, his eyes widened as he looked at her with his mouth agape. He knows what it means, but...do you really mean it?

[Name] bluntly continued staring at the moon, the boy next to her getting red as hell, scooting a bit closer. She, of course, noticed it, leaning onto his shoulder.

Genya's feelings weren't suppressed anymore, he now knew one thing.



She looked up at him with that lovely smile he loves, "I adore you."

A quiet gasp escaped him in surprise, but a smile curled up his lips, leaning his head against hers.

Both of them weren't as confused now, they know their feelings, but were scared to admit it. Loving someone in a world like this can end up badly.

Fate isn't always on your side.



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