21- Infinity castle

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This isn't happening.

This is not happening.

Those thoughts repeatedly went through her mind when she got the emergency message from her crow about the attack at the Ubuyashiki mansion.

[Name] raced along the forest with Nobuko by her side. She had finally figured her out, after all this time. Why she always disappeared and reappeared out of thin air.

It was because of Lady Tamayo!

Nobuko is a demon wolf. [Name] had found that out when she was sent to the butterfly mansion by her crow.

It all made sense now, but she asked why especially her. Well, let's keep it simple.

When her brother was alive, he got Nobuko and lied to [Name] about randomly finding her. Aiko knew Tamayo, he had encountered her before and developed a good friendship with her. That was unbeknownst to the other demon slayers.

Tamayo recognized the wolf from a long, long time ago.

It was the wolf from their ancestors.

Aiko had found out something. A special technique that can only be done with her.
A special technique that gives the user of the breath of wolf immense strength and senses like a predator.

[Name] was so confused when all that got to her. It didn't make sense at first. But now she knows how to use it and also against whom.

When [Name] was about to leave, Tamayo stopped her, putting something in her hand, leaving the words: "You'll maybe need it, so take it as a goodbye gift."

Those were the word she said to her and [Name] knew that this was about to end bad. So, [Name] hugged her tightly, saying farewell.

The item which was given to her was a tiny bottle with a substance in it. Turning the bottle she saw something written on it, her eyes widening-


[Name] tried, fastening her pace, already seeing the mansion in her view. Before she could get there, a massive explosion went off, destroying the whole mansion.

She noticed presences leaving her field and one extremely strong in the middle. A commotion perked her ears, hearing yells and the sound of something smashing.

She ran forward into the open field, her eyes widening and body going stiff at the sight of the one she and everyone else despised the most.

Kibutsuji Muzan.

"YOUU BITCH!" She heard and turned to see Sanemi, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO OYAKATA-SAMAA!!!"

The look of pure hatred was shown in his eyes as he yelled the the demon lord. [Name] gripped her sword, running forward.

"It's Muzan!" Gyomei yelled, "Kibutsuji Muzan! This guy won't die even if you cut his head off!!"

Everyone tensed up at the sight of him, spikes piercing through his body.


Everyone around used their breathing, [Name] used her third form, but knew it wouldn't hit because Muzan smirked mischievously. The ground under [Name] suddenly disappearing.

"You seriously thought you could corner me? You're all going to hell now!! You pathetic demon slayer pets. I'm slaughtering you all tonight!"

[Name] didn't hear anything further, just seeing the infinite castle that surrounded her.
She was the ground approaching faster, shit! I'm gonna die!!

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