Being Nice

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"Fine then" Jack said out of nowhere scaring Sylvia
"I guess faith isn't fair on us Sylvia" he walk over to her

"I guess so too"

"We have two option now ,work in perfect harmony and get a perfect A or bring our dispute into this matter and get a D "

"The first one sounds appealing" Sylvia said

"But hard to achieve"

"Very hard with the kind of personality you have"

"I will just over look that comment" he stretched forth his hand

" so it's a deal then, we become friends till the end of the project "

"You are right for the first time in your life it is going to be tough" she hesitated but she shook his hands, it felt like making a deal with the devil.

"But you have to be nice to me though"

"Step by step process jerk" she carried her books "so what are you doing then?"

"Let's discuss that at my father's library"

"The Brooke library?" Everyone knew that place it was a private library for the rich and powerful Sylvia had never been there but she has read about it only if you had permission or if you are invited were you allowed in.

" are you excited?"

"No" she lied she was overly excited

"The Brooke library?" Lily asked


"Wow" Jane remarked

They were all discussing as they were doing their stretches on the field while the boys were playing soccer, the three of them were part of the cheerleaders along with Tina, Grace and Rachel and Sylvia was the head.

"What routine are we doing today?" Tina asked Sylvia after they were through with warming up

"Let's do the pyramid" Rachel suggested

"We haven't been able to do that routine" Lily said

Tina groaned

"We will do it after all practice make perfect right?" Sylvia said

Everyone nodded." Tina, Grace and Rachel, will be the base, Jane and Lily the midpoint and I would be on top, everyone remember to be careful, ready?" Everyone nodded "go" everyone took their places and Sylvia climbed to the top.


Tim was with the ball and was looking for some one to pass the ball to but he was surrounded by the opposing team, Jack dribbled him,in the process collecting the ball and Leo kicked the ball and it rolled over to the cheer leading side of the field.

"I'll go get it" Jack volunteered and went over

"Guys, I feel a ball under my foot" Tina said and wobbled

"If I fall Tina I swear you're gonna be dead" lily shouted

"Keep it together girls" Sylvia said trying every possible to not fall

"I'm sorry" Tina fell down and everyone else followed, Sylvia screamed but to her surprise she wasn't hitting the ground she opened her eyes and saw Jack ' he caught her ' she thought 'he had actually caught her ' .

" let me down" she said with gritted teeth

He removed his hand and she fell hitting the ground

"Not that hard you dimwit"

"You're welcome" he took the ball and went to his friends who had their attention all wrapped on him

"What's happened " Leo asked

"Nothing" He threw the ball to him

"I thought you both made an agreement" lily asked as she watched the boys continue playing soccer.

"For the project, not for real life"

"You guys are complicated" Jane said

"The world is complicated" Sylvia replied and touched her toe

"Okay girls from the top"

"Again?" Lily complained

"Yes again, giving up is not an option, ready?"no one replied this time.

" come on girls for Maxwell "

"For Maxwell" they all chorused weakly


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