Bad parenting

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Ace pulled in just in time to see Jack coming out of his car looking angry,Ace came out of his car crossing his hands watching Jack rant angrily as he came over to him.

"What the hell did that lil'bunny do?" he asked,the both of them were not allowed to call Leo degrading or insultive names cause he always took it straight to heart,so he made them vow not to call him names only cute once no matter how angry they were.

"I don't know but it sounded bad" Jack raised up his head and groaned forcing himself not to punch anything, "let's go" he just said before walking away.

Ace raised up a brow "What got you so frustrated?" I said trailing behind him.

"That mphmph Leo" he was trying so hard not to curse he just walked faster angrily,We both got into the elevator.

"What were you doing?"

A smile crept on his face and he shrugged "Hanging out"

Ace narrowed his eyes "sure,why is your hair that long,are you trying to copy me?"

He scoffed "You wish?" before saying something incoherent.

The door open and Jack stepped out first "Leo I swear…" his voice was cut short and I stepped out,I stood in shock beside Jack who was frozen in a spot beside the table stood Leo and Ethan.

"I made a terrible mistake" he said

"No shit" Jack said while Ethan crossed his hands looking at Ace and then Jack .


"So he is dead now?" Ethan asked Jack who was telling him what happened,he stood up and banged the table.


Leo jerked back at the sudden scene.

Ethan used his hand to rake his hair "and you said you needed those information on your laptop to track down both me and my mom, why?!"  Leo gulped in fear

"Because I asked him to" Ethan turned to Jack "Why?!"

"It was the only way to get answers from him" he said calmly

"You were interrogating him,so he was still alive ,when you got your answers you killed him,right?"

"I did" Ace who had sat down quietly at a corner said "and I don't regret it" 

Ethan walked casually to him "Why couldn't wait, aish I wanted to kill him myself"

"What?"Leo said stunned

"What you thought I'll be mad, do you know how long I've been looking for that man to kill,bummer, you guys had all the fun" he went back to his seat and sat down, Ace mirrored Jack smirk and Leo looked surprised.

"How long have you guys been taught how to use a gun?"

"Ten" Ace and Jack said together

"Whoa I started when I was thirteen

"so you're not upset?"

Ethan scoffed "That man was a no good @#$%$&% "

"I have another thing to show you guys" Leo said


Sylvia got home and dropped her bag on the couch.

"So you got your license and now you're driving around like you don't have a home"

She turned around and found her father coming down from the stairs.

"I guess not being home is a common trait we both share" He was home and the first thing he scolded her for was not being home.

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