Home Alone

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Jack got home late that day but still found his sister awake, she came over to him as soon as he entered the mansion.

"Where have you been?"

"Work, how's my little scoundrel" he ruffled her hair as he made his way to his room.

"Scoundrel?" She said offended "come play a game with me" She asked as she climbed the stairs with her brother by her side.

"Go play with kyle"

"He said no"

"Where's Nathaniel?"

"Both her and dad went out since it's her birthday"

He stopped at the entrance of his room turned around and knelt down "what game do you want to play?"

"Tea party"

"Nope" he stood up and opened the door

"Please Jack"

"Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" He grumbled

"Pleasssseee" she said looking at jack like a sad puppy but Jack just slammed the door at her face, "you're annoying!" She shouted at the other side and turned around but when she heard the door opening she turned to face it hopefully, Jack popped his head out of his room.

"Can you ask the butler to send me some grape juice, thanks honey pie" he slammed the door again

Dumbfounded she just walked to her room annoyed.

Jack at the other side of the room dropped his bag on the bed and walked to the bathroom, his room was painted white and it very much looked like a boys room with posters of football players and professional athletes, there was a guitar placed on the wall in front of the king sized bed which was laid neatly with a blue bedspread. At the bathroom Jack looked at the mirror, he hair needed fixing he thought as he noticed his ruffled hair which was now covering his eyes, he needed something new, he rinsed his face in the sink, change is what everyone needed in life.


Sylvia slumped on her bed, she was beyond happy, she had showed Mr Brooke the perfect not so expensive gift for his wife and he had brought it without hesitation, and after he did he gave a his own personal number saying he owed her, his assistant was however angry and glaring at her as if she had just committed a grave mistake but Sylvia just shrugged it off , it didn't bother her.

"I like you Sylvia Daniel"he had said

"Because I flatter you and gave you a life saving advice"

He chuckled "no, because you are an outspoken person"

Sylvia smiled remembering his words, she stood up and opened her closet to see Jack's jacket, the house help must have kept it there, she thought.

"A Lamborghini, she fierce" she remembered him saying and shook her "Like father like son" she said and a Siberian husky ran in jumping on Sylvia which frightened her a little, it liked her face and was wagging it's tail, happy to see it's owner it barked a couple of times and rolled over, Sylvia laughed and tilted her head.

"Where have you been Bailey ?"

The dog only tilted it's head in response, Sylvia walked over to it and cupped it's face bending down to take a better look of Bailey's blue eyes,

"playing in the garden again?" Her response was a lick on the face, she giggled and stood up, slumping on the bed again, she felt a few vibrations in her pocket, and Bailey curiously jumped on the bed and started sniffing her pocket, pushing Bailey's nose away, she brought her phone and picked the call.


"How was school today?" She heard her father ask from the other end.

"Asking me about school isn't gonna make me forget the fact that you left without saying goodbye" she said pushing Bailey's nose away from her ear.

"I'm sorry Alison" he said and was cut off by a woman who was telling him he needed to be in the conference room.

"I have to go now Ally"

"I know, I know" she sighed "work stuff"

"I'll be back"

"Always" she said and hung up, she put her phone on the bed and cuddled Bailey, who seems to always be there for her, ever since he was a little puppy, she stroked it's fur softly and sighed.

"I miss mum Bailey, I miss her so much" she whispered and Bailey sensing that its owner was sad turned around and licked her face,and Sylvia chuckled.

W/n: This chapter is a bit short, and I'm sorry it came up late I had a problem with the device I was using so I couldn't access wattpad for a few days, by the way I love dogs.

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