Let me Mend your Broken Heart

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"I can't believe you went out with Ace and you didn't tell us" Jane said to Lily as we walked out of the classroom.

"I'm sorry" she blushed

"So how was it?" I asked poking her shoulder

"Nice" she clutched her books on her chest and sighed "real nice"

"Is that all you're going to tell us,we want full details" I said and watched as Lily opened her locker.

"Tell you what ,let's all go to Grace's and then I'll tell you in full details"

"Where's Grace's?" Becky who was with us asked

"It's only the most wonderful café ever,you haven't been there before" Lily asked.

"No,never even heard of it"

"Well you're in great luck,cause you're going there today"

"Great,let's get going then" we made our way to my locker where I saw Jack leaning on it and dangling a car key.

"Hey kitten,guess what your driving practice starts today and now"

"Now,I'm busy now"

"Well too bad",he stood erect " Jack Brooke doesn't take no for an answer"

"But Jack" I whined

"Hearing you call my name like that" he touched his chest "makes my heart do crazy things"

I rolled my eyes. "Can't you postpone it?"

"No you know me,I never go back on my promise"

"Curse your code of conduct"

"Don't worry Sylvia you can go with him,then you can come meet us at Grace's" Lily said

"You're letting me go so easily some friends you turned out to be"

"I know you want to go" Lily said

"Jack!" Claire called out from behind me and I turned around to see her glaring at me and ooooo her skirt was way too short.

"What?" Jack said in a monotone voice

"Can I speak to you it's urgent"

"You have my attention"

"It's rather more like a private discussion it's about the class and how they're treating me and since you're the class president I feel you should be able to solve it"

"The class is treating you the way you're supposed to be treated" lily said

"Lily," Jane warned.


Jack sighed "I'll be back,and I better get yes for an answer" he said to me.

"You're talking as if I have a choice,you're so bossy" I grumbled and he walked away with Claire it's not as if they even went that far,she just took him to the other end of the hall,annoying people,I rolled my eyes and turned around to open my locker.

"I bet she's not talking about something important" lily said"look at her putting her hands on his shoulder like she owns him"

I had a strong urge to turn around and see but I didn't, it's none of my business. I brought out my bag and started arranging my locker, not that I needed  to, it was just to keep myself distracted.

"Oh,here comes the fake tears"

I could hear Claire crying  but I still did not turn back.

"I can't believe he hugged her that's a very inappropriate hug" 

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