You in a different mood

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The Brooke library was huge and peaceful, why wouldn't it be it was not built in a busy and noisy site but a calm and peaceful site, mostly trees were seen hardly any house.

"Your father is smart" Sylvia said as Jack was parking "He built a place where those who are distressed can come and be at peace, forgetting all their worries and stress, a place to be alone, brilliant, sometimes I wonder why you didn't inherit his brains "

"But I'm smarter than you aren't I ?, what those that make you"
Jack opened the door and walked out .

"It's just for a few days, not forever" Sylvia said to herself and came out. Jack who had been conversing with a guard came to her.

"What did you tell him?"

"To make sure you don't make it out of here alive?" He said and walked to the entrance, he said so seriously that Sylvia had to glance back at the guard who just looked back at her and looked away again . She blinked a couple of times before she followed Jack.

Inside the library was very cold that Sylvia had to rub her palms together, it was beautiful, the white and clean tiled floor and the gigantic book shelves she had passed by was only a tip of the iceberg what caught her attention was the water fall in the middle of the library,' that's a weird contraction ' Sylvia thought    ' water and books don't go together ' she was so focused on the waterfall that she didn't notice when Jack stopped and she bumped into his back,she got a whiff of his Cologne, and it smelt like roses, she moved backed and stared at him when he turned around.

"You better change your Cologne, it makes you smell sweeter than you supposed to" she said and when she heard a gasp she noticed who Jack had been talking to, it was a woman with short black  hair who wore a suit and was holding a file , but that wasn't what bothered her,.what bothered her was that Jack had not showed any expression or say anything on her remark he was always quick to respond but it looked like he didn't care, he faced the woman, and stretched his hand towards her.

"The key!" He sounded cold and demanding as if he got swiped with a twin the exact opposite of his normal self. Sylvia eyed his back and paid attention to the woman who gave him the key, when her hand touched his, she looked down immediately and walked away , was she afraid of Jack.

Sylvia followed jack to an elevator which he had used the key to open and when they got inside, the door closed automatically and silence followed giving her a cold and weird feeling.

"What's up with you?" Sylvia asked breaking the silence and Jack chuckled.

"Is my silence bothering you?" He asked while looking at her, this was the Jack she knew the very silly one not the cold one who had appeared a minute ago.

She scoffed "No"

"Liar" he mumbled

Lily and Ace with his little brother walked into her sister's school, thankfully Ace had suggested he drove her and his little brother wanted to follow and guess what this was also his school. Lily saw a little figure sitting  in the entrance, her head put in between her knees and a teacher standing beside her , lily guessed it was her sister she ran towards her and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, you see I got into an accident and got injured" she lied what else could she have done she didn't want her sister to know that she was forgotten.

Her sister pushed her way out of the suffocating hug and looked at her, "do you want to kill me ?!"  she shouted

"No no, " lily started stroking her sister's hair "I am just happy to see her don't worry she's fine and you can go now, I am so sorry for keeping you waiting" she said to the teacher who gave her a this must not happen again look and walked away.

"Are you okay, are you hungry, don't worry I will buy ice cream on our way home"

"You think ice cream will keep me from telling mom and dad !" She yelled " And what accident? I know you're lying!"

"No that's not what I'm doing, I'm just being nice"

"Since when have you been nice to me?"

"Come on , I'm sure you would be able to forgive your sister "

Lily's sister looked at Ace and tilted her head to the side.
"Isn't that the boy whose picture is in your bedroom" lily sister said pointing at Ace who looked surprised.

Lily quickly closed her sister's mouth

" no no , he's not, the one the one in my room is Justin bieber , he just looks like him" lily said making a serious eye contact with her sister before She released her mouth.

"Hey aren't you in my class?" Lily sister said again looking at Ace's brother who stood behind his brother's leg quietly. Lily wished her sister could be like that quiet but no that could never happen.

Now has Ace took them home, Lily had only one thing in her mind that his sister would not spill.

After deciding on what to do for their project, Sylvia sat down and rubbed her palm together. She watched Jack stand up from his sit to her side to lay his hand on her fore head, Sylvia quickly swiped his hands way.
"I said don't touch me"

"I don't remember you saying that" he placed his hand on her forehead again " Jesus you're freezing"

He removed his jacket and placed it on her

"What are you doing?"

"If you freeze to death they would pin the blame on me"

"Oh how nice of you" she quipped "and here I thought you were being a gentleman"

Jack chuckled but stopped when a man came into the private area they were in and talk to Jack whose mood had change into his cold one again. Sylvia narrowed her eyes and used that opportunity to check the time. They had used two hours to argue on the project they would do.

"You have to go now" Jack said after the man had gone

"I now it's late " she took her bag

"Are you taking me ?"

"No my chauffeur will , I'm sorry something important came up"

"Oh don't be sorry I am glad, I wasn't planing on riding home with you"

"So you won't miss me?"

"Don't push it Jack"

"Take this" he gave a card " it will grant you access into the library "

"I never thought I would say this but thanks twit" she smiled

"Wow , when I thought we had passed the stage of calling each other names"

Sylvia wanted to talk but Jack interrupted " I know step by step process jerk "

Suddenly a man came upstairs in a chauffeur uniform and bowed his head

"Take her home " his cold mood was back , Sylvia noticed as she followed the man .

W/n: So I'm working on the mistakes but I might have skipped some,please if you come across any please kindly point It out not writer is perfect.

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