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...Jack's POV...

Jack entered the school and everyone eyes were glued to him there was deafening silence, he walked through the halls he needed to know how the video got out, who even made that video in the first place.

"Is it true?" He heard a girl say to another girl

"How am I supposed to know" the other replied.

Ignoring them he continued and got to the class, everyone who was talking stopped.

"Did you do this?!" He directed his question to Claire who flinched at his sternness.

"Even if I say I didn't would you believe me?"

"Where's Sylvia?"

"She hasn't gotten here yet" lily answered "Jack I'm scared of what she might to to me"

"What do you mean?" Ace asked

"Have you seen when Sylvia is angry" she shivered "worst of all I lied to her, Jane was smart enough to flee, claiming it was a family emergency, that witch, What would Sylvia do to me"

"Relax she's not that frightening" Leo said.

"I don't understand what is going on" Alex a classmate said

"Did you attend the party?" Tina asked


"Well there was an unexpected twist at the ending"

Becky entered the class breathless "have you seen this" she raised up her phone showing the video and everyone nodded.

"Becky, Sylvia's gonna kill us all" Lily said and walked up her and pulled her into a tight hug.

"You should stop this you're making me feel scared" Leo said and used his hands to brush through his onion and pepper coloured hair.

The bell rung and Sylvia stomped into the class.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!!!!!!!!!" She screamed and everyone flinched, she scanned the class room and when she saw Lily she walked up to her and Lily ran behind Ace.

"Do you really think running from me is going to save you?, you scamp!!" She wanted to reach for her but Jack dragged her, the impulse made her collide with his chest, she looked up at him surprised.

"Since you're the master mind of this charade explain the stupid video twit!" She said "it's fake right, I wouldn't do that, not ever nor even in my dreams, I don't even dream of you, explain the freaking video"

"Stop ranting and let me speak" he sighed, Sylvia looked cute when she was angry he thought "the video wasn't fake"

"Lies" she murmured to herself.

Cute, Jack thought. "You kissed me Sylvia because we are dating" his words brought shock to both hers and everyone's face, "and that's what we're gonna say to the press"


.....3 days ago, Ethan's POV....

Hey Loser" he heard her say

"What?" Sylvia chuckled at the other end

"You're still calling people names, you haven't changed at all Sylvia Daniel"

"Why you calling at this time of the day?"

"I just wanted to say Hi!. Hi!!"

Sylvia chuckled at his childishness "Hi!"

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