Chapter Eight

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"She's not even an artist, why are we going to a gallery opening?" I stumbled my way out of my room, shoving the door closed behind me before Evie could comment on the state of my floor.

"It's not her gallery. I guess the artist that did the cover for her last book is showing pieces there." Nora said as she pulled her jacket on. "I just thought it would be something different and fun for us to do... rather than just going to Finnegans or sitting on Eli's couch."

I didn't necessarily consider art galleries entertaining experiences. Most of the time, the art was abstract collages of color that anyone with a paint brush, a canvas, and a bit of free time could accomplish. Perhaps that was just me being uncultured... all art— including literature— is subjective. But I couldn't stand there and pretend to be moved by a few splotches of acrylic paint. It just wasn't my vibe.

"Fun might be a stretch." I groaned.

"Oh, just give it a chance. If it's really that horrible we can leave and go find a bar down there."

Evie barged out of her room; her entrance far more chaotic than was characteristic of her.

"Have either of you seen my Calvin Klein coat?" She asked, rushing past us, and beginning to rummage through the living room.

"No...?" I felt my eyebrows pinch together as I observed her. She usually dressed classy... well, far more classy than either Nora or I... but this evening she was wearing a particularly formal black dress that certainly wasn't appropriate attire for a gallery that was being held in an abandoned warehouse.

"You're wearing Calvin Klein to a warehouse gallery?" I asked as she rushed past us again.

"I have a prior engagement." She said, shutting the door in tandem with her vague statement.

"Prior engagement?" I asked, my eyebrows perking up as I glanced over at Nora.

She shrugged, "Don't ask me."

"Maybe I have a prior engagement as well..." I smirked.

Nora rolled her eyes, "You don't." She grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the door, "Let's go, our Uber is already waiting outside."

I shoved my feet into my boots, stumbling after Nora as she yanked me outside and down the steps of our building.

Nora let go of my arm to open the door of the SUV that was haphazardly parked at an angle between two cars. To my dismay, there were already two passengers inside the car, Eli in the middle seats, and Jude in the back.

Nora quickly shuffled over Eli's lap and settled into the spot next to him, leaving me to sit in the back with Jude.

"Seriously?" I groaned, narrowing my eyes at Nora once she had settled into her seat.

"Are we going or not?" The driver barked, "Two more minutes of this dilly-dally and I can cancel the ride."

"Get in, Lucy." Nora scolded as she fastened her seatbelt.

"I swear to god, you guys do this to me on purpose." I grumbled as I climbed my way into the backseat, plopping down next to Jude and exhaling sharply.

"You should probably buckle your seatbelt." Jude said once the driver navigated his way onto Frederick Street.

"You should probably shut the fuck up." I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest, and staring forward at the back of Eli's head.

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