Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I propped my feet up on the coffee table, watching Nora race around the house, her blouse only halfway buttoned as she worked to unroll the curlers that were bouncing around in her hair.

"Evie, did you get the cake?" Nora shouted into the fridge as she manically surveyed the contents.

"Sophia is bringing it!" Evie shouted from her room. "She's staying two blocks away from the bakery!"

The Back Talk show the previous Saturday had gone better than expected, and the band Eli and his misfits had opened for ended up asking Back Talk to open for them on their tour that started in the spring. It wasn't necessarily a tour, more like a few shows that would be played up and down the West Coast, but it was certainly more than Eli and his various bandmates had done in the past.

Nora had spent all week organizing a surprise party for Eli, while I locked myself in my room once again. If this tour business hadn't been such a big deal for him, I would have forgone going to this party as well... but I knew Nora would kill me if I missed it.

I hadn't spoken to or seen Jude since he showed up at Finnegans bloodied and drunk the weekend prior. My gut twisted with guilt each time my mind flashed back to his face that night. I tried to remind myself that I had no choice other than to end things with him, but it didn't stop the remorse I felt regarding the state he had been in the last time I saw him.

The reality of the situation didn't stop the yearning in my chest to be near him, either. I begged each day of distance to make the ache stop... but it only seemed to grow stronger the longer I went without seeing him. I wanted nothing more than some semblance of normalcy... but I couldn't remember what that felt like... I thought maybe I hadn't felt normal since before everything happened senior year.

"I'll go start the car." Evie called out in sync with the front door slamming behind her.

"Lucy, can you bring this downstairs?" Nora dropped a bag of snacks in front of me, then unrolled the last curler from her hair, manically shaking her head to try to fluff out the tight curls that framed her face.

"Yeah." I grabbed the bag and carried it down the hallway, shoving my feet into my boots and meeting Evie in her car, which was parked halfway down the block.

I scooted into the backseat, placing the bag on the floor at my feet as the space next to me was already occupied by a case of champagne. She had really gone all out.

My stomach had been a tight bundle of nerves all morning. It had been pure luck that nobody had assumed anything based on Jude's behavior the weekend prior... but if he got drunk and emotional again, I was worried that he would let something slip in front of everyone. I would need to avoid him all evening... which would be hard considering the miniscule size of Eli's apartment.

Nora came racing down the block, carrying a gift bag that was adorned with sparkly letters that read congratulations. She threw herself into the front seat, pushing her hair out of her face as Evie pulled out onto the street.

"Someone text Sophia and make sure she's on her way." Nora spat out as she yanked her seatbelt over her chest.

"Calm down, she's already waiting outside." Evie assured her as she turned onto Frederick.

I leaned forward and patted Nora's shoulder. She turned around and flashed me a grateful smile.

"He's going to love this, don't worry Nor."

She nodded a bit too adamantly, "Yeah, yeah I know."

I stared out the window as we raced through the Inner Sunset, not necessarily taking in our surroundings more than just trying to distract myself so I wouldn't be entirely occupied by the anxiety that was coursing through my body. Six months ago, when Jude had shown up at Finnegans for the first time in two years, I had spent all my time desperately trying to ignore him so that I wouldn't punch him in the face. Now, I would need to ignore him again... but this time, so I wouldn't end up throwing myself into his arms and refusing to let go. If only Lucy from back then could see me now... she would be so violently disappointed in me.

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