~ Chapter Six ~

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~ Chapter Six ~

"Jai you are such a dick!". I playfully slapped his arm on the drive home as we told Beau about today.

"Why am i a dick?". He asked.

"Because you made Mr Smith hate me!". I shrieked.

"Oh he hates everyone". Jai sais shrugging.

"Ugh i hate you". I said.

"No you dont". He smiled.

"Yes, I do. I hate everyone and everything, except Beau, i dont mind him". I said as a recieved a playful wink from Beau.

"I can change that". He said.

"I'm going to make you love the world again". Beau chipped in.

"We". Jai corrected.

"Yeah, we are". Beau agreed.


It's been a few days since my first day of school and Beau and Jai are trying so hard to make me 'love' the world again but it isnt working.

Why should i love a world that inhabits inhuman things, such as people who enjoy putting others down, people who think highly of themselves for causing a suicide, when there are many troops out at war away from their families, fighting for no particular reason other than wanting property, fighting for what is ours, people who are against gays, i think that gay and straight should be treated the same, i mean it doesnt change their personality, gay and straight marraige is just like bikinis and bras, only one is appropriate in public, nobody can change just like that, if you like the same sex you cant just change to liking the opposite sex, its who you are, god made you that way for a reason, and people shouldnt make fun of people who are being themselves, i mean those other people who bully and make other peoples lives hell are all fake, they shouldnt be that way, that is why i hate everything, the world we live in has become a terrible terrible place.


They have been showing me every single detail that is considered beautiful or magnificent, when i think they are just fooling themselves.

How can a flower be beautiful?

I mean its just a stem without those petals, people only think about the petals not the stem or what is inside the flower, what keeps it alive, they only see the outside which i think is sad.

I always see the inside, i never judge on looks, only personality, thats what makes me unique, many people go for the pretty girl or the hunky boy but i prefer the one with the beautiful soul, yes i still observe the good looks but they dont matter to me.

Anyway back to the flower, i think that its beautiful the way that inside the stem it has all these channels where the nutrience is sucked through up to the petals and how a flower duplicates so easily and quickly.

"Isnt this a pretty flower?". Jai asked me.

I then picked it out of the ground and pulled the petals off, then snapped the stem in half.

"That is whats amazing". I said as i pointed to the channels in the stem.

Jai went all quiet, thinking about what i said, then nodded.

"You are so different". Beau said.

I began to feel self conscious but then he said "Its not a bad thing". He reassured me.

I nodded and then lay back oon the grass and stared up to the sky, we sat there in silence, i heard rustling next to me and then it stopped.

I closed my eyes and just took in the fresh smell of the grass, trees and flowers surrounding me, then i felt my hair being pushed behind my ear and a flower being slid behind the ear.

I giggled and said "Jai what are you doing".

"Open your eyes". He said.

When i opened my eyes a saw a boy with curly hair and brown eyes with a black lip ring looking down at me.

"Luke what are you doing?". I asked, trying to look uninterested.

"Looking at someone beautiful". He said.

"Me beautiful, you have to be kidding". I laughed.

"No im serious, you are beautiful". He replied.

I propped myself up on my elbows and looked at him confused.

Then shrugged and said "Whatever".

"Im still not prepared to trust you yet Luke, it might take a while, what you did, it fucked me up mentally". I said coldly.

"I know Kel, but im not giving up". He said confidently.

I stared at him blankly and he laughed and shook his head.

"What?". I asked.

"You really arent good at trying to shut me out". He laughed some more.

I furrowed my eyebrows into a frown and pulled the flower from behind my ear, then examined it, it was a red flower with yellow parts on the petals, it was truly beautiful, not just the colour, the shape, size, stem and amazing detail in it.

I glanced from the corner of my eye and saw Luke smiling as i used my finger to outline all of the shapes and patterns on the flower, i then snapped the stem in half.

"Look". I said pointing to the inside of the stem, he furrowed his eyebrows as he examined every detail in the stem.

"That's amazing". He said.

Finally some one who understands what i mean, maybe we are a perfectly matched pair, the only problem is the history, he broke my heart into millions of pieces and it isnt the same now, i dont trust anyone, except myself really.

The park we were sitting in had children running around, with giant grins on their faces, they all looked the same to me except for one pair sitting under the big oak tree.

The girl had light brown hair with blue eyes and the boy had brown hair with a slight curl, he had this dorky smile on his face as she showed him something on her IPod, they reminded me of Luke and I alot actually.

When she would look at the screen of the IPod i noticed his face would light up as he looked at her, maybe thats why i never noticed when Luke looked at me, i never saw him do it, now i wish i did.

Luke noticed my gaze and said "They are alot like us".

I nodded.

"You mean the way we used to be".

He sighed.

"It doesnt have to be like this Kelly". He said more seriously.

"Yes it does Luke".

"Why?". He asked.

"Because i cant trust anyone anymore Luke, i am not ready to put myself out there again to become hurt, i cant do it". I explained.

"I wont hurt you again". He stated as he stood up and held out his hand to help me up.

I took it and stood up then brushed the flower petals and grass off me.

I started to walk back to my house and noticed that Luke was still holding my hand.

"You mind?". I said eyeing our hands entiwined together.

"Oh im sorry i didnt-". He stuttered.

His face was worry stricken as he quickly took his hand out of mine.

"Its okay Luke". I said as i started to walk up the steps of my house.

A relieved smile spread across his face and he then said "Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? You and your mum?".

I nodded "That sounds lovely".

I closed my door behind me and walked up to my bed room.

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