~ Chapter Forty Three ~

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~ Chapter Forty Three ~

Today is her funeral, her final time above the ground, then her body will be lowered six feet under, this is my last chance to see her and say goodbye, I never wanted to say goodbye to her, ever.

Once the car was parked I walked in between Georgia and Tyler, they were both squeezing my hands, I looked down at them and saw them both with sad eyes.

We sat in our seats and listened to people say things about Kelly and I couldn't listen any longer, they didn't know her like I did.
When it was finally my turn to speak everything began to feel real, I took a deep breath and then began to speak.

"I was Kelly's fiancé, and we had two kids together, we had been together for about 8 years, and she was and will always be the love of my life, she is the only person I could ever love. And I have no idea how I will live without her, what's even worse is that our children have to grow up without a mum."

"Everyone loved her, she had this effect on people that I just can't explain, it was electric when she walked into a room, everyone would turn and look at her. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and she had that effect of electricity on me the most, when she'd step into a room I'd feel all light, like I was floating, knowing that she was mine was the most amazing feeling in the world."

"Kelly was more than a person, she was an amazing mother, girlfriend and friend to people, and she was too young to have passed away this early in her life."

Tears began to fall down my face so I returned to my seat and put my head into my hands, the tears still falling.

More words were said and when I finally looked up I saw her coffin about to be lowered into the ground, dirt was thrown on top of the coffin and my head began to spin, she really is gone, forever.

• The Next Day •

I crawled out of bed and decided to have a shower.
The water flowed down my back and my muscles were no longer tense, I swear I could hear Kelly singing and then I heard her laugh.

"Hello?" I called out while wiping my face with my hands.

I opened my eyes and saw Kelly leaning over the basin applying mascara and humming a random tune.

"Kel?" I said.

She turned around and smiled her laugh echoing around my brain, her body approaching the shower.
I turned off the water and wrapped my towel around me her eyes scanned my wet body and a smirk appeared on my face.

"Dammit." She sighed as she realized I caught her staring just like every other time she sees me in barely any clothes.

Then she started to laugh and so did I, then she turned and walked into the bedroom, I followed her and then she left the room and was gone.

She can't really be gone.

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