~ Chapter Twenty Nine ~

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~ Chapter Twenty Nine ~

Luke's POV

"You're having a baby...girl!" The doctor said.

A smile crept onto both of our faces.

"Is she healthy?" I asked.

"Yes, she is a healthy baby." He replied.

"We expect to see you back here when you go into labour Miss Parks, since your ultrasound was so late in your pregnancy."

"Okay, Thankyou." She said with a smile.

As we left the clinic we kept saying "We're having a baby girl" and "We're having a girl."

On the car ride home we kept thinking of names, Kelly said that since she named Tyler that I can name our daughter.

"Any ideas?" She asked.

"Do you have any?"

"Maybe but it's up to you Lukey."

"What names are you thinking of?"

"If I tell you, you can't copy me." She said playfully.


"Well, I really like the name Taylor or Jasmine." She said.

"Well those are nice names but I think I know what I like."


"Georgia." I said.

She smiled.

"I like that name."

We both sat in comfortable silence for most of the ride home after deciding the name of our baby.

I put my hand onto Kelly's knee and she looked at me and smiled again.

"I hope she has your smile." I said.

She blushed and said "I hope she has your thick curly hair."

We both laughed and then she turned the radio on, I had no idea what song was on but it sounded like a good song so we just went with it.

By the time we got home Kelly was exhausted so I put her in bed and told her I was going to pick up Tyler.

I walked down the street to my old house, it was weird being here again, I was so used to living with Kelly now.

I opened the door and saw mum standing in the kitchen washing the dishes from dinner.

I sneaked up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around and smiled when she saw me.

She wrapped her arms around my torso and buried her face in my chest.

"I missed you Luke."

"I missed you too mum."

I was spending time with my mum just talking and telling each other what's been going on lately.

"We're having a girl." I said.

"I didn't even know Kelly was pregnant again." She chuckled.

"Yeah she is 6 months along."

"What are you naming her?"

"Georgia." I replied.

"That's a beautiful name." She said.

"Who picked this time?" She added.


She smiled and put her hand over mine.

"I suppose you came to pick up Tyler?"

I nodded.

"He's in your room with Jai." She said.

I left the kitchen and walked up to the room that I used to share with Jai, I slowly opened the door and saw Jai on his phone, as per usual, with Ty asleep beside him.

"Jai." I whispered.

He looked up from his phone and smiled.

"Long time no see." He said.


"What's been happening?" I asked.

"Not much, just twitter, but I'm going to America next week to see Ari." He said.


"What about you?" He asked.

"Not much just figured out the name for our daughter."

"Wait what?"

"Kelly's pregnant again?" He asked.

"I thought I told you."

"No you didn't, how far along is she?"

"Six months." I replied.

"Wow, what did you name her?"


"You busy tomorrow?" I asked.


"Okay, you and the boys wanna come over and see Kel? Have a catchup?" I asked.

"Shit yes." He said.

I nodded then picked up Tyler and said goodbye to my brother and mum, then I walked home with him in my arms.

I took him into his room and tucked him into bed, then I went into Kelly and I's room and took off my jeans and shirt then climbed into bed and wrapped my arms around her, so her back was against my chest.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep slowly then all at once.

A/N: sorry for the late update again :/

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