~ Chapter Twenty Six ~

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~ Chapter Twenty Six ~


Kelly's POV

"I don't wanna go back to L.A." Luke said as he twirled my long dark brown hair in his fingers.

"But you have to." I said.

"No I don't, I need to be here with you." He said.

"You have responsibilities Luke."

"You and our baby are my only responsibility now." He said.

I groaned.

"But what about the Janoskians?" I asked.

"They'll have to go on without me for a while." He replied.

We then fell into another long silence full of thinking and over-thinking.

After the long silence i started to laugh.

"What's funny?" He asked.

"The fact that we are having a second child and the fans and media dont even know about our first baby." I replied still giggling.

"I can change that." He said.


My question was ignored as Luke got up and walked over to the desk, then he left the room, and returned with Tyler.

He sat beside me with Tyler on his lap then held his phone out to take a selfie.

"Smile." He said.

I heard the camera click then all i heard from the phone was the tapping sounds that the keys made when you were typing something.  

Luke locked his phone and put it back in his pocket, then said "Done."

My phone buzzed, I took it out of my pocket and saw that Luke had tweeted.

"@luke_brooks: home is with my family." It had the picture attached. 

I noticed that it already had retweets and favorites on it, and replies, not all of them positive.

Many of them were along the lines of "Ew Kelly is a slut!" "Shes only 18" "You can do better Luke"

"Kel why are you crying?" Luke asked. 

I was about to say that im not but i began to feel the hot tears on my face.

"The comments." I said.

He took my phone out if my hands and read the comments about our little family, anger evident in his deep brown eyes.

He took his phone out and began typing vigorously, his breathing becoming deeper and faster, showing his anger.


No reply, he just kept typing.

"Luke." I said again.

Still nothing.

"Luke!" I raised my voice this time.

"What!" He yelled.

His eyes still filled with rage.

For once i was actually scared of Luke, i had never seen him look at me so angrily before, I knew he had a short temper but its never been this bad before, this is Luke's dark side, and its terrifying, its like he is completely unpredictable.

I stayed silent and just looked at him, his jaw was still clenched and he looked like he could murder someone, I wanted to get up and run to my room but for some reason i just couldn't move, Tyler was silent too, he then said "Daddy its okay, don't be cross at mummy."

My eyes stayed fixated on Luke's face, once Tyler spoke his face softened up and his eyes became full of emotion again.

"Ty can you go and play in your room for a little bit." He asked.

Tyler nodded his head and toddled off to his bedroom.

I finally was able to move again so i stood up and began to walk towards the door, I needed to get out of here for a bit, to clear my head.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Out." I replied.

"If you take one step out that door i swear." He said.

That is the first time Luke had ever threatened me.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." He snapped.

I took a step out of the door and saw his face burn with anger he began stomping towards me so i slammed the door closed, then turned on my heel and ran away.

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