~ Chapter Thirty Three ~

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~ Chapter Thirty Three ~

••••5 years later••••

Kelly's POV

Tyler is seven and Georgia is five.

They are both at school, Luke and I enrolled them into the same primary school we went to.

Tyler already has a best friend, just like Luke and I, her name is Vanessa but we call her Ness or Nessie, seeing them play reminds me of Luke and I when we were that age.

Georgia has made a couple of friends, but since she is in prep she isn't really close with just one of them like Tyler.

Luke and I are both 25 turning 26 this year, we still live in my house and still act like teenagers, when the kids are with Gina of course, Beau is 28 and has settled down with Anna, they got married last year and we just found out that they are having their first child.

Jai found out that he had a faulty timer and that Victoria wasn't really his soul mate, it was Ariana Grande, he is currently in America with her at the moment, James is also in America with his soulmate, Veronica, Daniel was still here in Melbourne and still waiting for his timer to end and to find the one.

The Janoskians are still together just like they promised the fans, they still make videos and have planned to do Awkward Train Situations 3 when they are all back in Melbourne.

Not much has really happened lately, apart from Tyler losing his first tooth, and Beau finally buying his own apartment, Jai still lives with Gina but he's rarely ever home because he is always in America with Ariana.


It's summer time now and we are all about to go outside and swim in the pool, Ness was at our house for a swim as well.

Once I had put on Tyler's bathers I walked with him outside and sat beside the pool and watched him and Ness play in the water.

I put on my sunglasses and started to relax when I heard


I told Tyler and Nessie to get out of the water till I came back and then ran inside to find Luke.

I finally found him standing in Georgia's room with Georgia sitting on the bed.

"What's wrong Luke?" I asked.

"Look at her back." He said frantically.

I looked at her back and saw a bruise like shadow on her spine.

"What's that?" He asked.

"I don't know."

"Have you fallen on your back sweetie?" I asked.

"No mummy." She said.

"I'm sure it's nothing." I said.

"Can we take her to the doctors to see what it is?" Luke asked.

Luke is really protective of her.

"Yeah we can take her a bit later okay?" I said.

He nodded then held her hand and lead her outside to the pool.

After we had a swim we returned inside to get changed into some dry clothes, Georgia told us she needed to go to the toilet so she went in there while we quickly put on some dry clothes, we went out to check that Tyler and Ness where dressed then Luke asked where Georgia was.

"I don't know dad." Tyler said.

Suddenly we heard a scream "MUMMY DADDY!"

We both looked at each other then ran upstairs to the toilet.

Luke opened the door and we saw Georgia with her head her the toilet vomiting.

She looked up at us with tears in her eyes "It hurts." She said.

"What hurts honey?" Luke said kneeling down beside her.

"My throat." She said.

Before we could say anything she started to vomit in the toilet again.

Once she finished we got some toilet paper and wiped her mouth, I went to put it in the toilet and saw that it was full of blood.

"Luke it's blood." I said.

He looked into the toilet then at me, "We definitely need to go to the doctors." He said.

We all climbed into the car and started driving to Gina's, we dropped Tyler and Ness off then drove to the doctors.

Sitting in the waiting room was really quiet, Luke said nothing, I said nothing, Georgia was just playing with some of the toys that were there, all we did was watch her, I couldn't stop thinking of what it could be.

A doctor walked out and said "Georgia Brooks." We stood up and walked with Georgia into the doctors office.

"Okay what happened?" He asked.

"We found a bruise like mark on her back this morning and then she threw up heaps of blood." Luke explained.

"Hmm." The doctor said.

"May I see this mark?" He asked.

We both nodded and Georgia turned around so he could lift up the back of her shirt.

He poked the mark and asked her "Does it hurt?"

"Yes." She said.

"Okay I think we need to take a few tests, then we will be able to determine what the problem is."

We both nodded and then watched the doctor perform various tests on our daughter.

••• an hour later •••

Luke's POV

We have been sitting in the waiting room for an hour now waiting for all of the test results, Kelly hasn't spoken a word, she's terrified that it will be something bad, I'm thinking it will be too but I'm trying so hard not to because our daughter is a healthy five year old.

Finally the doctor walked out and said "Can I please speak to you for a minute, without Georgia."

We nodded and gave Georgia a hug and told her to stay there, a nurse came out and told us she would keep an eye on her for us, we then followed the doctor down the hall to his office, we sat down in the chairs and he closed the door then sat in front of us.

"The test results came back." He said.

He then handed us a piece of paper with all of these results that were in complicated doctor terms.

"I don't understand." Kelly said.

She handed the sheet to me and the only word that stood out to me was 'Positive'.

I gave the sheet back to the doctor and he took a deep breath before saying the two words I never wanted to hear.

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