~ Chapter Thirty ~

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~ Chapter Thirty ~

Kelly's POV

"Hey Kel?" Luke whispered into my ear softly as I woke up.


"The boys are coming to see you today." He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, Jai said they would."

"Oh my god, this will be the best day ever!" I quietly squealed.

Luke's raspy morning chuckle echoed around the room.

"I love your morning voice." I said.

"Really?" He asked.

"Really." I said.

He laughed and then sat on my thighs, he then leant down and started to kiss my neck, then he stopped kissing my neck and started to kiss me on the lips.
He swiped his tongue along my bottom lip, begging for entrance, after not letting him for a little while I finally gave in and we started a full on make out session.

When he finally pulled away he said "God I love you."

I smiled and said "I love you too."

I propped myself up on my elbows but couldn't get up as Luke was still sitting on my legs.

"Move your ass." I chuckled.


"I wanna shower." I whined.

"Make me." He laughed.

I then sat up fully and pushed him off me and he tumbled down onto the floor.
I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom, then locked the door behind me.

"Sorry Luke" I yelled from in the bathroom.

I took off Luke's T-shirt that I had on and then my shorts, then I turned on the water and waited for it to be the right temperature, once it was nice and warm I hopped into the shower and pulled the curtain closed.

When I had turned off the water I got out of the shower and grabbed a towel hanging on the towel rack beside me, once I had dried off I wrapped the towel around my head and another around my body and walked out into the walk in wardrobe.

I pulled out my grey track suit pants and a black singlet top, and put them on after putting on my bra and underwear.

I walked out of the wardrobe drying my hair with my towel, then I heard the shower turn on, Luke had got in now, so I dropped my towel on the floor and picked up my hairbrush from the dresser and brushed all of the tangled knots out, once I was done I walked down to Tyler's room and decided to get him dressed too.

I dressed him a pair of burgundy jeans, with sneakers and the janoskians top that Luke bought him, I picked up his hair brush and brushed his fair hair back out of his face.
His hair was starting to go brown and curly like Luke's.

He could walk and talk now, he was also toilet trained. He was growing up so fast.

I heard a knock at the door and knew that it would be the boys, I picked Tyler up and carried him downstairs and put him down before opening the door.

A smiling Jai was standing in front of me.

"Kel!" He said before pulling me in for a hug.

He walked inside and started playing with Tyler.

Then Daniel greeted me then James, then finally Beau.

He didn't say anything he just brought me in for a hug, I put my head in his chest and closed my eyes.
He kissed the top of my head and then he also walked inside but with me.

"Where's Luke?" James asked.


He nodded and then whispered something to Jai who whispered something to Daniel who whispered something to Beau.

A devilish grin spread across Beaus face.

"Be right back." He said.

I saw that he had keek up on his phone, I knew what they were doing.

I quickly switched on the tv for Tyler and told him that I'd be right back.

"Okay mummy."

I turned around and almost ran up the stairs, I had always wanted to see them do this.

I watched as Beau slowly opened the door to the bathroom and Luke was still in the shower, the boys all tiptoed in, Luke was completely oblivious to the fact they were in there.
Beau then made a noise on the bench, then I heard Luke say "Kel?"
Beau put on his girly voice and said "Mmhmm."

"Come in here."

Beau was silent and he gave Daniel his phone to film, he took of his shirt and pants so he was in his underwear, he then hopped into the shower and that's when Luke's short temper came out.

"What the fuck Beau! Get out you cunt." He looked out the side of the curtain and saw all of the boys standing there then his cute smile came on his face when he saw the camera.

Beau grabbed his phone and said "And that was Luke's short temper." The keek ended and he posted it as "Luke's short temper (best one yet!)"

The boys all left the bathroom laughing and I walked in and peeked in at Luke.

"Sorry babe, but it was funny." I said.

"It's okay."

"You done yet?" I asked.


The water turned off and he got out then grabbed a towel and dried his body then his hair, then wrapped the towel around his waist.

I couldn't help but stare at his abs and v lines.

"Hello? You in there." He said whilst waving his hand in front of my face.

I smiled and nodded.

He leant in and kissed me lightly on the lips, then I said "Get dressed everyone's waiting for you."

He nodded and then I left the bathroom and went back downstairs.

The boys were all watching tv with Tyler, Beau had him in his lap.
Tyler adored the boys, they were some of his most favorite people in the world.

I felt two muscular arms wrap around me and hands on my stomach I looked up and saw Luke smiling down at me.

His hands were still over our unborn child, the baby kicked and Luke said "Oh My God."

"What?" I asked.

"She kicked me." He said.

"Aw baby." I said leaning my head up to kiss him.

We went and sat down on the couch with the boys, Tyler hopped off Beau and ran over to us.

"Mummy, Daddy." He said climbing onto Luke's lap.

He held my hand and smiled at me.

"Ugh Luke you stole my mate." Beau said.

"Well he is my son." He replied.

Beau laughed and said "I'm gonna go buy maccas, you guys want some?" We all nodded.

"Ty you wanna come with me?" He asked.

Tyler nodded and ran over to Beau.

"Do you have a carseat?" I asked.

"I was planning on taking your car actually." He said.

"Okay, my keys are on the counter."

"Thanks Kel." He said.

I waved him off and we switched the tv to a different channel.

Jersey shore was on so we decided to watch that.

"So how far along are you?" James asked me.

"6 months." I said.

"Do you know what it is?"

"Yeah, I'm having a girl."

"What's her name."


"Wait, you're pregnant?" Daniel asked.

Oh Daniel.


"Didn't you see my stomach?"

"Yeah but I thought you were just getting fat." He said.

Luke grabbed a pillow and whacked him in the head.

"Don't be rude." He scolded.

I laughed and said "It's fine, I am a little fatter than the last time he saw me."

"Sorry Kel." Daniel said.

"It's okay Skip." I smiled.

"What's been going on with you guys?" I asked.

"I'm going to America next week." Jai said.

"To see Ariana?"

"Yeah." He said.

When I said her name his eyes lit up, he really loves her.

"That's really good! Make sure you tell her I say hi." I said.

"I will." He said.

"What about you what's been going on with you apart from getting pregnant." Jai asked.

"Oh not much, just being a mum, and a girlfriend." I said.

Luke was looking at me as if to say "Don't tell them about the fight." I nodded at him and he smiled then mouthed "I love you."
"You too." I mouthed then blew him a kiss.

"Hey Luke show me around this place I haven't really been here before." James said.

"Alright." Luke said then he walked off with James.

"And then there were 3." I said.

"So Daniel any girls in your life at the moment?" I asked.

"Um sorta, I was kinda seeing this girl, her name is Cassie." He said.

"Aw yeah, is she from America?"


After a little while talking about our lives Beau returned home with two bags of Macca's and a drink tray, Tyler was sipping on his drink already.

"We're back." Beau said.

"Hey, bring the food in here." I said.

Beau and Tyler walked in and Beau put the bags on the coffee table Tyler sat on my lap with his lemonade and said "We got chippys mummy."

"Really?" I said.

"Yeah, I'll get you some." He said, he slid off my lap and reached into the bag and pulled out a medium chips and then handed them to me.

"Thanks Ty." I said.

Beau handed me a burger and my drink then returned to the couch and sat down with his food.

Tyler sat next to Beau and ate his food while snuggling up to his uncle.
Once we had finished eating Luke and James came back and not long after the boys all went home.

A/N: sorry for the boring chapter, it was kind of a filler chapter, but I promise the next one will be better! XXx




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