Chapter 6: Entrusted Shareholding! This Person Was Actually the Boss?!

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When the senior executives of Wanke Real Estate took their seats, they noticed an empty seat between the chairman and the co-chairman.

Liu Ziqing, who was the CEO, took the first seat on the left. He thought to himself, “Why did the chairmen suddenly come over? I really didn’t hear any news”.

He obsequiously said, “Since the two of you called us over in such a hurry, is there something you want us to do? Please feel free to tell us. We will definitely do as you say.”

Chairman Wang Lei looked at him coldly.

This caused him to shudder. Could he have done something wrong and made the other party angry?

He thought about it and could not think of anything bad that he had done recently.

“Can you give me a hint?”

Liu Ziqing asked nervously, “The company has been operating in an orderly manner recently. I haven’t done anything wrong, right?”

As he spoke, he became uncertain himself. Usually, Wang Lei gave him full authority over the company and rarely interfered. “What exactly happened this time to warrant this look from him?” he wondered.

The truth was, after Wang Lei found out what Liu Ziqing did, he wanted to skin him alive!

“He offended that person, of all people?!” Wang Lei fumed.

Suppressing his anger, he said, “Are you sure? I advise you to think carefully again!”

Liu Ziqing looked dumbfounded. He recalled for a while but still could not think of anything he had done wrong. However, since the other party was insistent, something must be awry.

He thought about it and was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. He hesitated before asking, “Why don’t you point me in the direction?”


Wang Lei cursed angrily.

“Yes, yes, yes, I’m stupid. I’m stupid.”

Liu Ziqing did not dare to refute. He said with a sad face, “Can you at least point out to me so I understand what happened? If I did anything wrong, I’ll make amends immediately.”

Wang Lei looked at him furiously. He sneered. “Do I dare to ask you to change? If I say something wrong, you’ll probably fire me too!”

At first, he thought that Liu Ziqing was useful to him. But now, it seemed that he must have been blind when he hired him!

Liu Ziqing wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and explained in a panic, “I, I wouldn’t dare to fire you. You’re my boss, and I’m not disloyal. As it is, I’m very grateful to you for my position…”

Speaking of firing, he remembered the incident this morning.

He met Wang Lei’s gaze.

Wang Lei scoffed. “You finally remembered, you dumb head? Liu Ziqing, you’re really something!”

These words confirmed Liu Ziqing’s guess. Now, his mind was confused!

“Isn’t he just an ordinary person?” he thought.

“Can that person be related to the chairman?”

All sorts of thoughts were running through his head.

Co-Chairman Zhao Gang cleared his throat and said, “First, let me announce something to everyone. 51% of my shares with Chairman Wang are entrusted shares!

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