Chapter 61-65

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After Han Qianjing was done with her work, she returned and realized that the courtyard was silent. She went straight to the bedroom and looked at the bed. “Chu Jinyu, why are you still sleeping in bed? Don’t you know how precious time is?”

When she was young, she only slept two to three hours a day because of her work. Why was her daughter so lazy? She could not understand no matter how she thought about it.

When Chu Jinyu heard her voice, she instinctively sat up.

Her messy hair and red rings around her eyes made her look extremely disheveled. She said weakly, “Sorry, I slept in.”

Han Qianjing did not like her frail look. She said coldly, “Did you not sleep much last night? Do you think you can really continue to stay in Shanghai with your current mental state?”

The moment that was said, Chu Jinyu immediately looked at her and said, “I can do it! This is only temporary.”

“Oh? That’d better be the case.”

Han Qianjing turned around and said, “Freshen up. I’ll wait for you in the hall.”

The door closed and Chu Jinyu walked unsteadily to the toilet. She looked at the woman in the mirror and revealed a mocking smile. Indeed, after thinking for the entire night, she still could not make herself forget Lu Ming.

She used cosmetics to hide the fatigue on her face. Right after, she put on a casual shirt and went to the hall. Breakfast was already laid out on the table. She sat opposite Han Qianjing and the two of them picked up their cutlery, one after another.

A tense silence hung in the air.

After some time, Han Qianjing picked up a cup of coffee and said, “I know a young man about your age. Not only is he young and promising, but his character is also quite good. Furthermore, he’s the new owner of No. 1 Residence. If there’s a chance, you should get to know him.”

“You’ve never met him, so how would you know that he has a good character?”

Chu Jinyu muttered softly. She was a little surprised to learn that the owner of No. 1 Residence was a young man. After all, she thought that the people who could afford to purchase it were all middle-aged men of high status or even older.

In her opinion, only someone who had relied on his own hard work to own this house could be considered young and promising. However, if he had bought it with his family wealth, it could only mean that he had reincarnated well.

When Han Qianjing heard this, she took a sip of coffee and said, “You haven’t interacted with him before, so how would you know that he’s not suitable for you? Besides, even if you two don’t get along, with his financial situation, he can provide for you. In addition, our side isn’t bad either. It can be said that it’s an alliance of the strong.”

If this marriage was successful, it would be beneficial for her.

Chu Jinyu said unhappily, “Do you only care about the company’s benefits?”

Han Qianjing did not say anything and simply looked at her daughter silently until Chu Jinyu started to back down.

“If you can be better than me, I will choose to listen to your opinion. Or if the suitor you find is better than the one I show you, then you can do whatever you want, but… right now, you can’t.”

Han Qianjing felt that since her daughter could not, she should just listen to her.


Chu Jinyu put down her bowl and chopsticks and said, “I’m done eating.”

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