Chapter 25: Business Deal at the Ocean Manor in the Western Suburb

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“Boss, the information has been released to the media. As for the officials, when should we send it over?”

The long-haired woman did not expect Lu Ming to make up his mind so quickly. It seemed that his grudge was deep. However, she concurred with what he was doing.

To her, Lu Yaohua and Tang Wenyi had gone too far.

In her opinion, compared to them, what her boss was doing was nothing.

“Send the information to the authorities after the media has sent it out,” Lu Ming instructed her.

This was the only way to deal a double blow.

Lu Ming looked forward to seeing Lu Yaohua’s expression.

Then he continued flipping through the information.

When he saw what Lu Yaohua had done for Lu Ze, he could not help but slam the desk!

Lu Ze had really been raised to be ruthless!

Not only did he harass girls in school, but he even got away with a hit-and-run accident.

The victim’s family had no choice but to accept Lu Yaohua’s compensation. Otherwise, they would not be able to survive in Shanghai!

Either accept it or reject it.

If they dared to sue Lu Ze, Lu Yaohua would hire the best lawyer to defend him.

In the end, the other party’s family was destroyed.

Lu Ming tightened his grip on the piece of paper. It was indeed a familiar tactic.

Wasn’t that why his mother had no choice but to raise him alone?

The only reason she could survive until the day he graduated was because of her willpower.

He felt that Lu Yaohua and the other two were like devils.

Tang Wenyi and Lu Yaohua had done many immoral things just for Lu Ze!

Apart from what they did to his half-brother, they had likely dirtied their hands committing other vicious actions too!

“Lu Corporation, well done!” he thought cynically.

“Was such trash even worthy of being called a human?!”

He took another deep breath.

“Boss, why don’t you take a rest first?”

The long-haired woman, Wen Yongsu, was his assistant here. When he was not around, she would be the one in charge.


She had noticed that there was something wrong with her boss’s mood earlier, so she suggested that he take a rest.

Lu Ming nodded. He stood up and stretched before walking to the window.

He looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside, as well as the busy streets.


The distant building.

He knew that it was the Lu Corporation.

It was a place he used to admire.

At that time, he had hoped that Lu Yaohua would turn back, but later, his mother’s passing left him in despair.

He had given his father so many chances, but he had ignored them.

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