Chapter 86-90

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This was a typical market trend for peak-and-trough trading in the finance industry. From high to low, and then from low to high, it was a tricky path. A slip-up could result in failure or a huge loss.

Although the price of Dogecoin would drop in the later stages, Lu Ming used the information that he obtained beforehand to invest heavily in the early stages. Then, before it crashed, he would make a killing. Perhaps he would become the only victor in this war of speculation on Dogecoin.

He made a call. “Ji Yu, are you free now?”

Ji Yu, who was busy in her office, heard his familiar voice and asked, “Is there something I need to do? I’m in the midst of signing a contract.”

Although Lu Ming knew how to arrange contracts, he was busy with other things most of the time. Therefore, such paperwork naturally fell on Ji Yu. Other than reporting important matters to Lu Ming, she had full authority over other aspects of her work.

Wanke Real Estate was, after all, ranked among the top 500 companies in the world. Even if she worked overtime and finished the contract on her desk, new ones would be placed on the desk the next day. There was no more space here, so the adjacent room had become a document dump.

She read the contract as she talked on her phone.

“How much cash flow does the company have?”

This question surprised Ji Yu. Why is he asking this all of a sudden? she wondered. She pondered for a moment and said, “About 5 billion yuan. Why?”

“Do you know about blockchain?”


She seemed to have heard of it somewhere before but right off the bat, she could not recall where.

She thought about it and recalled that someone was talking about this when she passed by the pantry a while ago. It appeared that he had made a lot of money because of this and was planning to apply for leave to go on vacation.

Ji Yu said truthfully, “I don’t really know. I’ll look for information later.”

Could it be some new money-making platform? Recently, she had been busy with work and rarely paid attention to these things.

“There’s something called Dogecoin. Invest all of the company’s 5 billion yuan.”


Ji Yu’s eyes widened. “All? Are you sure? If we invest all the money, if we make a loss, then…”

Won’t we be on the verge of bankruptcy?

She began to suspect if Lu Ming was really sober now.

She asked hesitantly, “Have you been drinking?”

Otherwise, why would he suggest such a crazy thing? She would not have reacted so strongly to a few hundred million yuan. After all, even if they lost money, the company would have money to compensate, but… this was five billion yuan!

A chuckle came from the other end. He said, “Don’t worry, I haven’t had a sip of wine. I guarantee that this business deal will be profitable. I’ll invest whatever money I have.”

Ji Yu was still a little hesitant. If this was just his whim, the consequences would be too dire. She asked again, “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

Lu Ming could understand her hesitation because not everyone had the courage to put everything on the line. He said firmly, “Put all 5 billion yuan into Dogecoin. Even if the price really drops, I have the ability to earn back the money.”

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