Snow Ball Fight

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Mikes POV

I opened my door to find my friends. "Hey!" I said. Will ran up and hugged me. I kissed his cheek. "Hey babe." I said. "Hey." He said. "Alright lovebirds." Max said teasingly. They all came inside. "Who's ready for an adventure?" I asked. "What adventure?" Dustin asked. "It's snowing dumbass." I said. "Oh." Was all he said. Get all your things together and head outside!" I said. I grabbed Will's hand and we ran outside.

"Thanks so much for leaving us." El said. "Oops." I said rolling my eyes. "Pick your partners!" I said. I looked down at Will's who was cuddled into my side. Everyone was already setting up. Max and El. Lucas and Dustin. Me and Will. "Let's get to building." Will said.

"You all ready!" I yelled. They all nodded. "Ready. Set. Go!" I said. They all started firing snowballs at each other. I gather one and hit Lucas. He looked at me like he was going to kill me. He whispered something to Lucas they both started firing at me. Only me. Then Max and El did the same thing. Will was just laughing his ass off. I tried to throw snowballs at them. "Why are you all firing at me?" I asked. "Because why not?" Lucas said. "Will help me." I said. Will rolled his eyes and got up. He made a snowball and threw it at me! My own boyfriend.

"Wow." I said. "Sorry love." He said. "Your not sorry!" I tried to sound angry at him. But I couldn't be. I got up and tackled him to the ground. Tickling him. "Wow. You guys are turning on each other!" Max yelled. "Shut up Maxine!" I yelled at her. I looked at Will. We stared into each others eyes. He looked so beautiful. I gave him a small smile. The other two teams soon have up and turned on each again.

Will shivered. "Hey. You cold?" I asked softly. Will nodded and leaned his head in my chest. I grabbed his hand and took him inside. "You want some hot chocolate?" I asked. Will nodded. I went over to the counter and made his hot chocolate. Here you go princess." I said. "Thank you my prince." He said. I chuckled. I grabbed his waist and pulled him in. I kissed Will's nosed. Will reached up and kissed me. Of course I kissed back. We pulled away and Will's nuzzled his face in my chest. God. I love him so much.

Another chapter! Yay! Hope you enjoyed this one!

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