Ice Cream

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This is set in 2023 so mostly everyone is fine with them being together. I wanted a chapter to show them being in love publicly.

Will rode on the back of Mikes bike as they rode to the new ice cream shop. Yes Will was his own bike but he thought it would be more romantic if he rode on Mikes. Mike didn't mind though. He loved when Will would hold into him tightly.

Soon they got to the ice cream shop and went inside. They smell of waffle cones made them both smile. They walked in hand in hand.

They walked up to the counter. The lady working have them a warm smile. "What can I get you two?" She asked.

Mike looked over at Will. "A orange twist please!" Will said. Mike said as the lady looked over at him.

"A chocolate please." Mike said. The lady nodded. "It will be our shortly. Can I have a name for the order?" She asked.

"Mike Wheeler." Mike said. "Okay. You guys can jays have a seat wherever." She said.

"She was so polite." Will said sitting down. "Yes she was." Mike said.

They continued to talk about the most random shit that came to mind. "Order for Mike Wheeler!" Someone yelled.

Will watched Mike pay and get their ice creams. Mike sat back down and handed Will his ice cream. Will immediately started to eat.

Mike smiled at his cute boyfriend. "What?" Will said with a chuckle. "What? Am I not allowed to stare at my beautiful boyfriend?" Mike asked.

Will smiled and blushed. Mike chuckled and started to eat his own ice cream. "Can I try a bite?" Mike asked.

Will nodded and handed his ice cream to him. Mike smiled as he took a bite.

"That's really good. I like it." Mike said. "It is! Can I have some of yours?" Will asked.

Mike nodded and handed Will his chocolate ice cream. "Thanks Mike." Will said.

They talked and laughed while eating. They really couldn't take their eyes off of each other. Mike especially. Now that Will was finally his he wasn't gone let go.

They walked out with big smiles on their faces. "I had fun Mike. Thank you." Will said.

"You don't need to thank me Will. I just love making you happy." Mike said. Will blushed and looked down.

Mike brought his hand down Wills cheek and caressed it. It might've looked like the were going to kiss but they weren't. Even though they have thread right now they still won't show that much affection in public.

They just hopped into he bike and rode home. Will stayed at Mikes that night. They both sleep better in each others arms.


Okay! Two chapters in one night! Yay! Now I am going to bed! I am tired!

Have a wonderful day or night!

Words: 480

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