Please Don't Go Part 2

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Mikes POV

I looked down at Will's lifeless body. We brought him to the hospital. They said he will be fine. How could I let this happen! I feel horrible. I can't lose him. He's my best friend. Maybe even more. I realized that I don't have feelings for El anymore. Rather for Will. I want him alive. I need him alive. I felt hot tears roll down my face. I started to wipe them off when I heard a small groan from beside me.

"W-Where and I?" Will asked. I smiled. "In the hospital. Don't worry. Your okay now." I told him. "Mike?" He said smiling. "Hey." I laughed. He laughed as well. God. His laugh is truly beautiful. "I'm so glad your okay." I said. "Me too." He said. I grabbed his hand and interlocked my fingers with his. He didn't seem to mind it. "Did you know?" I asked him. "Know what?" He asked. "Did you see the grandfather clock. Did you know this was going to happen to you?" I asked. He looked down. "Will." I said softly.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" I asked. "I'm sorry. I was scared." He said crying. "Hey." I wiped the tears off his face and held my hand on his cheek. I slowly leaned in and kissed his forehead. He blushed. I leaned in again but this time I kissed his lips. It felt like magic. I was expecting him to pull away and call me disgusting. But in instead his placed his hands on the back of my neck.

"I love you Will." I said. "I love you too."

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