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Mike had his hands in front of Will's eyes. "Are we there yet?" He asked. "Nope!" Mike said. "Where are we going?" He asked. "It's a surprise!" Mike said. Will groaned. Mike chuckled. "Is this a date?" He asked. "Obviously." Mike said. "Here we are!" Mike said lifting his hands off Will's eyes. Will was mesmerized. It was so beautiful.

There was a large beautiful green tree. There was a picnic blanket right under it. There was of course food as well. There were flowers everywhere. It was nice and peaceful.

"Wow." Will breathed out. "Cool right?" Mike said proud of himself. "It's so beautiful. How did you find this place?" Will asked. "I used to come here sometimes. It was a nice and peaceful spot." Mike said. Will grabbed Mikes hand and dragged him over to the blanket. Mike chuckled. They both sat down. Will couldn't be happier. "What food do we got?" He asked. "Nothing to fancy. Hope that's alright." Mike said. "Of course it is." Will said. "Here." Mike said handing him a sandwich. "Thank you." Will said. Will started to eat. Mike as well. "Is that a chocolate cover strawberry!" Will said happily. Mike smiled.

"Open up." Mike said feeding Will. Will sat closer to Mike. "Who made this?" Will asked. "I did!" Mike said proudly. Will looked at him suspiciously. "What? I wanted this to be special so I learned how to make food." Mike said. Will laughed resting his head on smiled shoulder. Mike intertwined their fingers together. Mike kissed the top of Will's head.

Will looked up at Mike. They leaned in. They kiss each other passionately.

This chapter is very short. I didn't have much ideas. Did not like the ending. ❤️

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