Happier Than Ever

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Will walked hand in hand when his boyfriend, Chase, through the school. They have been dating for at least two months now. His first relationship. He saw Mike his old crush and his friends.

Will used to believe that him and Mike were never going to happen so he gave up. He smiled and walked towards them.

Mike noticed their hands and rolled his eyes. 'Weird?'  Will thought.

"So! Sleepover at Mikes house this weekend?" Max asked. They all nodded in agreement. "Why is it always my house?" Mike asked.

"Because your is the biggest." Dustin said. Mike rolled his eyes and scoffed.

Will laughed at his reaction. Mike noticed and smiled. Chase saw and pulled Will closer to him.

Will got confused and looked between the boys. They were having a stare down. Everyone stood there in awkward silence.

"Okay! We'll see you all at Mikes." Will said breaking the silence. He took Chases hand and gave Mike one last look before leaving.

"Dude. What was that?" Lucas asked. Mike forgot they were there. "What do you mean?" Mike asked. "You we're giving Chase a stare like you were going going to kill him.

"I just think he's right for Will. That's all." Mike said. El came running up to Mike and held onto his shoulder.

El and Mike had been dating for a little over a year. Everyone thought that they would last forever. At least El did.

Mikes been getting kinda tired of her. She was WAY to clingy. She would always want Mike to leave his friends so he could go make out with El in her bedroom.

El was also getting just annoying. He never wanted to tell she that fearing that he would hurt her. But he just couldn't stay in this relationship anymore. He was planning on breaking up with her soon. He lost feelings and had developed new feelings for a certain brunette. Although he has been feeling like this forever.

All his friends looked at them smugly. "Alright lovebirds." Max said. "Hey El. Are you coming over to sleepover at Mikes?" Dustin asked.

"I thought we were going to hang out this weekend?" El asked looking up at her boyfriend. "What do you mean? You never asked. Plus we haven't had a sleepover in a while." Mike said.

El pouted hoping it would change Mikes mind. It didn't. He was officially done with her shit. El sighed. "Alright I'll come. If Hopper let me." She said. "Just tell him your sleeping over at Maxs." Lucas said.

El nodded and snuggled closer to Mike. Mike put on a fake smile.

Will on the other hand was also having trouble with his relationship. Chase doesn't seem to love him anymore.

Plus he would never let him and Mike hang out just them anymore for some reason. Plus Chase would also cancel on their plans.

Chase also made him uncomfortable at some points. Like how he would touch Will in places he didn't want to be touched. He just wasn't ready for that yet. Chase thought it was stupid.

That weekend Will was getting ready for the sleepover. He had a light blue hoodie on and some shorts. He said goodbye to his family got his stuff and was out he door.

Chase was coming to pick him up. Chase was honking the horn. Will opened the door and sat in the passenger seat.

"Sorry baby." Will said. Chase rolled his eyes and started driving without saying a word. Will put his head down.

'Did I do something wrong?'

'Why is he mad?'

'Is he mad at me?'

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