Raining Night

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Will was under his cover scared. Will has always hated the rain. It was always too loud and scary. Will was crying he just wanted this to stop. He wishes that he could just sleep through it. Then Will got an idea. He decided to call Mike. Will didn't really want to disturb Mike but he needed him. Mike had always made Will feel safe and loved. Like no one was going to hurt him. Mike was also Will's crush of 4 years.

Will got out of bed to get his Walkie Talkie. He then switched to the channel Mike was on. "Hello?" Will spoke into it. He really hopes that Mike had heard him. After a few seconds Will was going to try again until he heard a voice from the other end. "Hello?" Said a raspy and tired Mike. "Hey Mike..." Will said sadly. "Will? What are you doing up?" He asked. He didn't even bother to ask why the hell he was calling him. "Couldn't sleep." Will simply said. "You scared. It sounds really bad out there. I know your scared of thunderstorms." Mike said. He him talking was enough to sooth Will. He had always found his voice comforting.

"Yea..." Will replied. "Do you want me to come over?" Mike asked with worry. "What! No! Of course not. It's raining. I don't want you in the rain. You could get your self hurt, o-or scared." Will spoke rapidly. "You don't have to worry about me. I'll be over in five minutes." Mike said. Before Will could protest the Walkie Talkie had static sounds so he knew that Mike had already left.

It had been four minutes and Will began to worry. 'What if Mike gets hurt? What if he gets sick? I don't want him to get sick. Something bad could happen to him! And it would be my fault. I hope he's alright!' Will's thoughts were broken once he heard a little knock on his window. He didn't move. Another knock. He looked out the window. It was dark but he could see a tall figure. The tall silhouette stepped closer. Will got a better view. It was boy he loved. Will hurried to open to windows to let him inside.

As soon as Mike stepped inside he got the floors all wet. Mike was soaked. "I'll get you a towel and some extra clothes." Will said as he left the room. Will quickly went to the bathroom and opened a cabinet with towels. He grabbed one and went to Jonathan's room. He knew that Jonathan was out of town visiting a friend. Will knew that his clothes could never fit Mike. He was at least 2 heads taller than he was. He got back to his room and handed Mike the towel and clothes and stepped out of the room so he could change.

"Come in." He heard Mike say. "Hey..." Will said as he opened the door. He closed the door and walked up to Mike. "Come on." Will said as he grabbed Mikes hand leading him to his bed. "You know you really didn't have to come here..." Will said feeling bad. "Of course I do! I didn't want you to be alone on a night like this." Mike said smiling kindly. "Thanks Mike." Will said with a smile smile. "Come on." Mike said laying back on the bed. "I'll cuddle you to sleep." "Alright." Will said blushing at the thought of him cuddling his crush.

Will laid down next to Mike. He put his head on his chest and his arms were wrapped around his torso. Mike was rubbing Will's back with one hand and playing with his hair with his other hand. "Thanks Mike." Will said closing his eyes. Mike kissed the top of his head before drifting off to sleep.

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