Chapter Four

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Larva numbly sunk to the ground. They have her, she thought. 

She stood up shakily. "Mosq," Larva called, voice wavering. "Mosq--" she caught herself. "I can't find Pollen." 

Mosquito flew inside. "What?!" He cried. "She's gone?!"

Larva let out a shuddering sob. "No. No, no, no. She can't be dead. Or taken by Wasp." 

Not like... No. You swore not to think about her.

Mosquito put a wing around Larva. "We'll find her. No matter what. I will break into Wasp Hive to get her back." 

But Larva feared it was too late. 


"Larva?" Pollen asked. "Zamia, Larva is my mother." 

Zamia's eyes widened. "Larva-- your mother?!" 

Pollen nodded, excited. "Where's Antennae?" 

"I don't know. She wanders a lot. Wait, I think I see someone."

Two LeafWings joined them in the sky. One was Pyracantha, and the other was yelling at her. 

"Pyra! I told you to do anything but miss my speech! Anything!" 

Pyracantha rolled her eyes. "I don't care, Oak." She turned to Zamia. "Any luck?"

Zamia sighed. "No. But she did get a name out of him. Lemongrass." 

"Very helpful. What can that do for us?" Pyracantha said, irritated.

"Pyra, it fits into the 'SeaWing' thing. Lemongrass needs water to grow. Just like butterflies and bees both spread pollen, hence Pollen's name." And Nectar, Pollen thought bitterly.

"Zamia, all plants need water to grow."

"No! Not cacti!"

"You've never even seen a cactus! And they also need water!" Oak snorted beside her.

Pollen interrupted. "Zamia, where is Antennae?" 

Pyracantha raised her eyebrows. "What help is she to Antennae? Antennae's fine."

"Well, Pollen said her mother is Larva," Zamia said excitedly. 

Oak looked confused. "Pollen? Are you a HiveWing?"

Pollen groaned. "No! I'm a hybrid! Silk-Hive. Why can nobody tell the difference? My scales are pink, for the love of Clearsight! And when was the last time HiveWings had antennae?"

"Ohhh," said Oak. "Well, I saw Antennae earlier. She was near the lake."

Zamia rolled her eyes. "Duh, she was near the lake." 

"C'mon," Oak said. "Follow me."


They found Antennae sitting in a tree. She had shimmering yellow scales, pink wings, and green antennae. She was one of the most beautiful dragons Pollen had ever seen, which, sadly, wasn't very much.

"Who's this?" Antennae asked. 

"This is Pollen," Zamia replied.

"Is she less grumpy than you?"

"Shut up," Zamia growled. 

"Um, hi, Antennae," Pollen said awkwardly. "I'm Pollen."

Antennae narrowed her eyes. "Are you part HiveWing?"

Pollen hesitated. "Yes."

Antennae considered this, and asked, "Who are your parents?" She phrased it as a demand, not a question. "How is the HiveWing immune to the Hive Mind?"

"Um, my father, Mosquito, wasn't put in the hatchery. That's what he thinks. My mother, Larva--"

"Larva?!" Antennae asked, frantic. "She's alive? She's your mother?! I'm not dreaming, right?"

"Um, yeah," Pollen replied, startled. "Do you know her?"

Antennae laughed. "Know her? Pollen-- Larva is my sister."


Okay, short chapter, but this is the best stopping point I can think of.


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