Chapter Ten

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When Zamia awoke in the LeafWing hospital she knew something was wrong. She remembered the evil grin on the HiveWings face as he plunged his tail into her... And burning pain. She was frozen, with the sensation something was burning in her, threatening to consume her from within. And then... she was frozen. Stuck. She couldn't breathe, blink, or even swallow. She never wanted to feel that way again. She collected her thoughts. She would be adding one more dead HiveWing to her collection of art. She trotted out of the hospital. Arrowhead wasn't there. That was strange. She collapsed on her bed. "Pyra?" She asked hoarsely. She turned to Pyracantha's bed. Her friend was nowhere to be seen. She groaned. 

"Elder Wisteria?" She called to the Elder closest to her bed. "Anyone?" Fear crept into her voice. "Ginkgo?" Oh, no. The entire LeafWing population was gone.


Pollen rolled over in bed. She had just woken up from a night of relentless nightmares. 

"Pollen?" Asked a kind voice. Pollen grunted. "That is your name, right?" 

"Mmm." Pollen buried her face in the pillows. 

"You have a mild fever. Can you talk to me?" 

Pollen opened her eyes to see a dragon leaning over her. "Gah!" She yelled. 

"Oh! Didn't mean to scare you!" She had a silver body, but the undersides of her bat wings had a collection of rainbow scales. 

"RainWing... IceWing?" Pollen guessed. 

"Good job! My name's Prism. How are you feeling?" 

"Awful." Pollen rolled over again.

"That bad, huh?" Prism asked. 

"I don't want to talk about it."

"I know what happened. Thank you for bringing Lemongrass home. Amazonite was beyond happy to see him." 

"Good for them. Glad I made something better." Pollen felt it was her fault her mother was going to... no. she wouldn't think it. 

"Well, I got you some honey." Prism stated. "If you want it."

"Yeah. Thanks." Pollen muttered, reaching for it. 

"Well, if you need me, I'll be outside, "Prism called.

"Wait, could I come out? I--I want to say sorry." 

Prism's eyes softened. "But you did nothing wrong."

"I know, I just--" her voice cracked. "I feel so guilty for everything."

Prism put a wing around the hybrid. "It's okay, sweetie. It's okay."

"Could I leave my room? I can't stay in here with my thoughts." Pollen needed to get out of her head. 

Prism sighed. "You should recover... but I guess."

Pollen left out of bed and sped off as fast as her claws would carry her.

"So much for recovery," Prism muttered.


"WHAT?!" Pollen yelled. "I'VE BEEN OUT FOR TWO DAYS?!" 

Arrowhead nodded sheepishly. "Um, maybe?"

Oh, no, my mother! Pollen thought, frantic. 

"Pollen, before you freak out, I need to explain." Arrowhead took a deep breath. "I'm a medical dragon in training. You had a very rare disease--"

"I DON'T CARE!" Pollen screamed. Arrowhead flinched. "Arrowhead, I'm sorry, I shouldn't of--" Arrowhead interrupted her. "No, Pollen, we should have woken you. I'm the one who's sorry."

Pollen nudged him. "If you're so sorry, why don't you show me around?"

Arrowhead rolled his eyes. "Gee, Pollen, I hadn't thought of that. I can totally show you around an island I haven't gotten the tour of."

"When are you getting it?" 

"Lemongrass and Amazonite are showing me around soon. You can tag along."

"Amazonite... what tribes?" Pollen had a suspicion she and Lemongrass and a thing together. 

"Two-thirds SeaWing, one-third RainWing." Arrowhead shook his head. "I still can't get used to these names."

"Me neither. All my life I thought the tribes were HiveWing and SilkWing because the LeafWings were exinct. Now..."

Lemongrass and a dazzling blue-green dragon landed in front of them. Her scales glittered like a lagoon, and she had a perfect curved snout. Her wings had a collection of blue, green, and purple gradient. 

"Amazonite?" Pollen guessed.

The dragon smiled. "Yes. Thank you for bringing Lemongrass home. I was so worried!" 

Lemongrass blushed. "Amazon..."

Amazonite rolled her eyes. "Lemon..." 

Arrowhead coughed. "Um, the tour...?"

Lemongrass and Amazonite pulled away from each other. "S-sorry,' Lemongrass sputtered. 

They started with the hospital. Pollen caught Prism looking at her with and anxious look. Pollen rolled her eyes. A rush of fatigue washed over her. Her mother might be dead, and she was on a tour. She couldn't help wonder... what had happened to her father?


Larva shifted around in her bonds. Wasp had just moved her out of her cell and onto a post infront of the Hive. HiveWings giggled and laughed. A malevolent guard flicked his tail. 

"Don't struggle, SilkWing," he taunted. "Don't make me paralyze you again!"

A passing SilkWIng gave Larva a sad look. Her HiveWing master barked at her and she quicktly put her head down. A figure came into the Hive. "Mosquito!" Larva cried. "What--" she froze. His pupils were pure white. "Mo-mosquito?" Larva asked, asstonished. 

His eyes flicked back to their normal black. "Larva- I'm so sorry, Wasp--" His eyes flicked back to white. 

"Goodbye, SilkWing," said Wasp's voice. "See you never."

Mosquito raised his claws, and attacked.

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