Chapter Nine

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"I was born on an island just west of here. We call it Hybrid. It's ruled by the half SeaWing-half RainWing Queen Azure." Lemongrass started. 

"Um, sorry to interrupt, but could you explain these dragons?" Pyracantha asked.

Lemongrass sighed. "Okay. There are SeaWings--one of my tribes-- who can breathe underwater and light up are scales. My mother, Princess Seahorse (she left Pyrrhia, the other continent)--"

"Other CONTINENT?!" Arrowhead exclaimed. 

"Yes," Lemongrass said. "She left her sister Princess Coral to battle for the throne so she didn't have to. Anyway, she was a SeaWing. I can't light up my scales except for a small glow because of my LeafWing half, but that's one tribe. The next, RainWings. They can change their scales like chameleons and shoot venom from their fangs..." He went on to explain all the tribes of Pyrrhia.

"Wow," Pollen breathed when he was done. By now they were well over the water. "But what about Hybrid?" She was eager to see it.

"All dragons are excepted, as long as they believe in inter-tribe mating. A lot of us are hybrids. My best friend, Amazonite, is a SeaWing-RainWing. We have a dragon named Spiderweb who's a HiveWing-SilkWing from before the Tree Wars. It was still illegal, but they didn't have Wasp's mind control over them. Hybrid's been here since a dragon named Precipitation (A SeaWing-SkyWing) fled Pyrrhia with some of his friends after a NightWing-IceWing named Darkstalker almost destroyed the world. 

"He found the island, and over time the population grew. But if the HiveWings found out, it would end us."

"How'd Darkstalker almost destroy the world?" Pollen asked.

"He was an animus-- a dragon who could do anything by saying or thinking the words I enchant this... and it would happen. It makes Wasp's power look like a dragonet who managed to kill her mother and become ruler of a kingdom, but killed her mother while playing with an assains poisons."

"Couldn't we get an animus to defeat Wasp?" Arrowhead asked eagerly.

" report from our spy in Pyhrria-- it corrupts a dragon's soul. That's why Darkstalker became evil."

"And nothing can ever be simple," Pollen complained. "Right, Pyra?"

Pyracantha was nowhere to be seen. "Pyra?" Pollen asked again, more urgently. 

"Oh, no, Hybrid-- why did I tell LeafWings-- the HiveWings will see," Lemongrass studdered. 

"Pyracantha!" Arrowhead shouted. Pollen growled. 

Arrowhead's eyes widened. "The HiveWings-- they have her!" 

No. No! Pollen thought. My mother, now Pyra! What do the HiveWings want? And why are all the SilkWings hapless little bug-brains?! And how in the three moons did she disappear?

"Pollen! Pollen!" Arrowhead drove her back into reality. "The HiveWings-- They're catching up!" 

"Lemongrass, we have to get to Hybrid now. We have to warn them!" Pollen pleaded. 

Lemongrass nodded. "Okay. But if anyone asks, it's Arrowhead's fault." 

"What?!" Arrowhead exclaimed.

"I'm joking." 

"Haha. So funny." 

"Guys, keep moving! We have to keep going!" Pollen growled at them. 

In the distance, the malevolent voice of Queen Wasp sounded as the HiveWings spoke in unison. "Run away, little dragonets. It won't be long until your dead, so why not lead us to Hybrid? And you can thank Mosquito for that." 

Pollen froze. no, the HiveWings were far enough-- she must have heard wrong. Her father would never betray the LeafWings.  

"Pollen?" Arrowhead asked. 

"No," she muttered. "No, no, he wouldn't, he didn't..." she trailed off. 

"Yes, hybrid." The HiveWings creepy Wasp voice echoed across the sky. "He's on his way to kill your mother now."

"NO!" Pollen roared at the HiveWings, who were slowly catching up. "He would NEVER kill my mother!" 

"Pollen! We have to move!" Lemongrass yelled, grabbing the pink dragon as she tried to fly away. Pollen fought against her restraints. "No! Let me go! My mother! Arrow, help me!" Arrowhead gave her a sad look but joined Lemongrass in dragging her away from the advancing dragons. Something broke in her chest. "Arrow?! What are doing? Let go of me! I-" She went limp in the dragon's arms and broke into hysterics. 

"Shh, Pollen, it's gonna be okay," Arrowhead said comfortingly. "Come on, you have to fly." 

"I'll carry her," Lemongrass offered.  

No, I have to save my mother! I have to kill Wasp! No, I can't go to Hybrid! Pollen thought fiercely. But she knew her friends were right. Shutting her eyes so tight the tears wouldn't fall, she let herself be carried far, far away from the Hives, past where any army could get to...

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