Chapter Thirteen

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"What?" Pollen gasped. "But my mother-- she's a nobody. And didn't Queen Wasp kill all of Monarch's family?" 

"No. I told her not to. I needed her blood." The gray dragon glanced at Zamia as if he thought she'd escape at any moment. Zamia glared back.

"You told Wasp not to? Why'd she listen?" Pollen felt like she was betraying Lemongrass by talking to Amazonite's killer. But if she attacked he'd kill Zamia too. 

"I can make anybody do anything." His voice was sinister. 

"But why me? Why not kill my parents?" She wasn't suggesting anything-- but if one thing her mother had taught her, find out as much as you can about your enemies. Then strike.

"I needed the blood of the two churning together. I put the idea into Scarab's head about stealing your father's egg. I made the guard mention Larva's Metamorphasis near Mosquito and how cool it looks. I am the only reason you were born.

Zamia's eye's widened. Pollen was speechless. This gray dragon with blood-red wings, this murderer, this kidnapper, was the only reason she was alive. 

"No. That-that's not right. My father was born in Bloodworm Hive." 

"He hatched right outside Cicada Hive." 

"No!" Pollen's voice shook the cave. "Just-just let me go." 


Pollen pounced. The gray dragon batted her away with his claws, leaving an ugly gash across her side. He grabbed Zamia by the neck. "All I have to do is squeeze." Zamia's eyes were wide with fear. Pollen glared but stayed put. 

"Now," the dragon said, his voice calm. "The question is, how do I get your blood into me?" 


The dragon struck Peony again. In her frozen state, she was helpless against the HiveWing. Then she unfroze. Ginkgo's jaw fell open. The guard turned at the noise but Ginkgo quickly lolled his head back.

"How-how am I--" Peony studdered. 

"That wasn't strong paralyzation, LeafWing. Or is your puny brain too stupid to understand that?" 

"I didn't--" she was interrupted by the HiveWing hitting her again. Ginkgo peeked his eyes open. Blood trickled down his mother's face. Ginkgo smothered a growl.

"Your tribe killed my mother!" The HiveWing clawed at Peony's face. 

"I didn't do--" Peony screamed as claws were raked across her snout. 

"No!" Ginkgo shouted and covered his snout in horror. 

"That's enough!" A towering HiveWing stormed into the room. She was enormous, and her scales looked like a wasp's. 

Oh. That was not good. 

"You will not kill any of the LeafWings, Nomada!" The queen of the HiveWings glared at the guard. "They are mine." 

Yours to kill? Ginkgo thought frantically. Or just... yours?

"Yes, my queen. But this one was looking around, and you said don't let them find out where they are--"

"Be quiet!" The HiveWing's eyes flicked to white. 

Queen Wasp stomped over to Ginkgo. "Who do you think you are? Speaking up to a guard in my territory? Do LeafWings not know respect?"

Ginkgo was petrified. He didn't know what to say. 

"I said, do LeafWings know respect?" Wasp repeated, raising her deadly tail.

"Yes!" Ginkgo yelped. "Yes!"

"Then you will show it to me by killing this dragon that escaped my invasion." 

A dragon was pulled into the room unconscious. Ginkgo gasped. 




The sun set over the trees. An unwelcome face showed poked its way out from behind a bush. 

"Three moons, stop following me!" The green dragon glared. 

The beautiful red dragon snorted. "Grumpy much?" 

"Be quiet, Garnet." The green dragon stared at the river. 

"Well, will you accept my offer?"

The green dragon hesitated. "No. She's a fine queen. We can't kill her."

"I never said we would."

"Yes, you did."

"I just said we should imprison her and take her throne."

"Garnet, that's suicide! And her people would never go for it."

"Not so keen to say their tribe's name. I know. But I had this dream..." Garnet trailed off.

"Wow. A dream. So cool." The green dragon laughed. 

"Celandine, listen. I saw this prison, filled with green dragons. Some had golden scales. What does green mean?" Garnet looked pointedly at her friend. 

Celandine sighed. She knew she shouldn't have left her bed. She knew Garnet was in danger but didn't know it.  "Fear. But that doesn't mean I'm scared." 

"Well, all the dragons were green. I think they were RainWings." 

"Garnet, it was a dream. You're not a NightWing." 

"Please, Celadine. There was this strange guard who looked like a NightWing-SandWing hybrid. She had yellow scales with black spots. It proves the SandWings are trying to kill us!"

"Garnet! What would Scarlet think?" 

"Queen Scarlet would be overjoyed. She just became queen and she already improved our jail. But she scares me." 

"And my tribe couldn't care less," Celandine muttered. "Being the fuzzbrains they are." 

"Celandine, don't say that." Garnet tried to comfort her friend with a wing, but Celadine pulled away. 

"Garnet, go. You shouldn't be in the Rainforest." And if you leave, you're safe from me. 

"I'll leave. But please, Cela. Think about my dream."

"Garnet, now." 

The red dragon flew away, and Celandine heard a voice whisper in her ear. 

"You know what you have to do."

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