Chapter Eight

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Quick notice! I will be taking art for the chapters in this book! You can send me a private message containing a drawing, the chapter, and your username on the drawing. (Example: HiveWings invading the forest for chapter 7.)


"You are so annoying," Pollen complained to Pyracantha. "You weren't supposed to come with me!" 

Pyracantha smiled slyly. "But then you would have any bullet ants. Or sleep flowers. Or stinging nettles. Or--"

"I get it, Pyra. I get it."

"Good to know." 

Pollen still didn't think it was a good idea. It was her fault Pyracantha was here, wasn't it? She sighed.

"Are you okay?" Pollen was surprised by her friend's question. Did she look okay? 

"Yeah, I'm fin-- no, I'm not." She sputtered.

Pyracantha gave Pollen a concerned look. "I don't mean mentally, Pollen. You don't look healthy."

"Pyra, I'm fine.

"No, you aren't," Pyracantha muttered. 

Pollen knew the LeafWing was right. She had been attacked by HiveWings yesterday. 



"Do you see that?"

Pollen's head jerked up. A flurry of black dots were coming at them. Fast. 

"Fly the other way!" Pyracantha screamed. 

"Where? There's just ocean that way!" 

"There's gotta be an island. Clearsight, please let there be islands!" Pyracantha was panicking. They flew back over the forest. A small blue dot and a small green dot rose from the trees. 

"Lemongrass?!" Pollen shouted. "Not the t--" she froze. Next to the strange LeafWing, was Arrowhead. 

"Arrow?" Pyracantha asked. 

Arrowhead rose to the two dragonets' height. "Lemongrass saw you two leave. He kept pleading he was a 'SeaWing', and told me everything." Arrowhead grabbed the blue talon of Lemongrass. 

"I'm a LeafWing," Lemongrass muttered. "No, I'm a--" He shook his head.

"I gave him Ashwagandha," Arrowhead explained. 

"Ash-waga what?" Pyracantha asked.

"He seems to be getting better," Pollen commented. "But we have to go. The HiveWings are back. All of them this time." Arrowhead covered his mouth. "We have to find out if there are islands to hide on!" 

"There are-- oh no, Queen Azure won't like-- but for my tribe-- no, Amazonite is there--" Lemongrass studdered.

"He's still changing tribes, but it looks like he realizes it. And keeps to the same topic." Pyracantha said. "Please, Lemongrass. Are there islands?"

Lemongrass gulped. "Um, no, who said anything about island-- oh, but the LeafWings need me-- No! I can't betray them! But Pollen could--But would she tell Zamia or Pyracantha? They seem tight," He muttered to himself. "Okay. We have to go."

"Lemongrass, tell us," Arrowhead pleaded. 

Lemongrass breathed. "Okay," He said. "But this might be a lot to take in..." 


Short chapter today! I know I haven't updated in a WHILE, so this is disappointing, but school just started and I have SO MUCH homework. (So, so sorry!!)


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